Standard Java Examples

Regarding all zip files for download.

  • All downloadable zip files contains a Netbeans IDE project with code examples.
  • Needed tools for all examples can be found in the right menu on this page.
Create a database from Java Download
This is an example of how to create an database in MySQL with use of a sql file.
Server/client connection with Java-socket Download
This example will show how to communicate through a Java Socket connection. You will also find use of Java Thread technology. Beware of that all control of the dataflow is done through the same connection as the data to be transferred. This would may be not a normal condition.
System and screen properties Download
This is an example of how to read system properties and how to read properties about the local graphical screen. The example will also show how to handle dynamic text in a standard JTextArea class object.
Javabean fetch info. example Download
This is an example of how to provide bean info from a Javabean class. You will also find how to overrid a SimpleBeanInfo class.

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