The HTML Attribute reference.

"onkeyup" - html Event

  • The onkeyup event occurs when a key is released over an element.

Value(s): One or more script statements each ended with a semicolon.

Event "onkeyup" example:
    <title>onkeyup Event attribute</title>
  <body bgcolor="Silver" text="Blue"
      onkeyup="alert('A key is released over an element')" >
      The onkeyup event occurs when a key is
     released over an element.
Used in the element(s):
Elements Description
a The A element denotes an anchor; a hypertext link or the destination of a link.
abbr This element allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that define an abbreviation for a word.
acronym Indicates an acronym abbreviation.
address ADDRESS is used to supply contact information for a web document.
area This element defines a map region on a client-side image.
b This element renders the text betweeen the start and end tag in bold.
big The big element is a text formatting control that increments the enclosed text by one size.
blockquote This element is used to format the text as a block quote, which means the right and left margins are indented from the text before and after the quote.
body The <BODY> tag contains the body of the document. It must come after the </'head' > (if a header is specified). Everything between the <BODY> and </BODY> is considered part of the document body. It is the part of the document that is visible to the user.
button This element defines a submit button, reset button, or push button.
caption The CAPTION element's text should describe the nature of the table. The CAPTION element is only permitted immediately after the 'table' start tag.
center (deprecated) This element defines a block whose contents are centered horizontally on visual browsers.
cite This element is used to markup citations, such as titles of magazines or newspapers, ship names, references to other sources, and quotation attributions.
code This element shows text that is intended to be shown in a monospaced font. This is useful for programming code.
col This element defines attributes common to a table column.
colgroup COLGROUP groups a set of 'col' elements. It allows you to group several semantically related columns together.
dd This element provides the definition of a term in a definition list.
del This element is used to markup sections of the document that have been deleted with respect to a different version of a document.
dfn This element denotes the defining instance of a term. Visual browsers typically render enclosed text as italic.
dir (deprecated) This element was designed to be used for creating multicolumn directory lists.
div This element offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. The <DIV> tag is used to divide a document up into artificial sections such as chapters, sections, appendix and so on.
dl This element defines a definition list.
dt This element defines a term in a definition list.
em This element is used to indicate emphasis. Browsers typically renders enclosed text in italic.
fieldset Groups related form controls.
form This element defines an interactive form.
h1 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
h2 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
h3 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
h4 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
h5 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
h6 The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant.
hr Draws a horizontal line.
i This element suggests that enclosed text shall be rendered as italic text.
img This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place.
input This element defines a form control for the user to enter input.
ins This element is used to markup sections of the document that have been inserted with respect to a different version of a document.
kbd This element denotes text to be entered by the user. Browsers will typically render text as monospaced.
label This element associates a label with a form control.
legend This element is used to provide the caption text for grouped form controls and text contained in a fieldset.
li This element defines a list item.
link This element is designed to define a relationship between documents.
map This element specifies a client-side image map that may be associated with another elements like: IMG, OBJECT, or INPUT.
menu (deprecated) This element was designed to be used for creating multicolumn directory lists.
noframes This element contains content that should only be rendered by the browser when frames are not displayed.
noscript This element provides alternate content for a client-side script that was not executed.
object This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations.
ol This element defines an ordered list.
optgroup This element defines a group of choices within a SELECT menu.
option This element defines a menu choice within a SELECT menu.
p This element defines a paragraph of text.
pre This element shows preformatted text as it is included, with exactly specified whitespace, blank lines and such.
q This element is used for short, inline quotations.
s (deprecated) Render strike-through style text.
samp This element's purpose is to identify a sample of characters that form the output or result of some process.
select This element defines a form control for the selection of options. It is is most useful within a FORM.
small This element suggests that the enclosed text must be rendered in a smaller font.
span This element is a generic inline container.
strike (deprecated) Render strike-through style text.
strong The STRONG element gives strong emphasis to its contents. Browsers typically renders enclosed text in bold.
sub This element is used for subscripts.
sup This element is used for superscripts.
table The HTML table model allows you to arrange text, images, links, forms, form fields, other tables, etc. into rows and columns of cells.
tbody This element is used to define the body section in a table.
td This element defines a data cell in a table.
textarea This element is used in forms to get multiple lines of text from the user.
tfoot This element is used to define the foot section in a table.
th This element defines a header cell in a table.
thead This element is used to define the head section in a table.
tr This element defines a table row.
tt This element suggests that the text should be rendered as teletype or monospaced text.
u (deprecated) This element suggests that the text should be rendered as underlined text.
ul This element defines an unordered list.
var This element is used to markup variables or program arguments. Browsers will typically render enclosed text as italic type.

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