The HTML Attribute reference.
"src" - html Attribute
- This attribute specifies resources for an element.
- Look at details for each element.
Value(s): uri
Elements | Description |
frame | This element defines a frame, which is a rectangular subspace within a Frameset document. Attribute, src, usage:
iframe | This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents.Attribute, src, usage:
img | This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place.Attribute, src, usage:
input | This element defines a form control for the user to enter input.Attribute, src, usage:
script | Defines a script (javascript, vbscript ....) which may be used within a document. A script contains code which is executable.
You may also include a version number to precisely inform the browser the support you need for the script.Attribute, src, usage:
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