The HTML Attribute reference.
"width" - html Attribute (deprecated)
- This attribute specifies the width of the rule. The default width is 100%, i.e., the rule extends across the entire canvas.
- You should use styles (CSS) instead. (except for the object and iframe element)
Elements | Description |
applet | (deprecated) This element is used to embed Java applets.Attribute, width, usage:
col | This element defines attributes common to a table column.Attribute, width, usage:
colgroup | COLGROUP groups a set of 'col'
It allows you to group several semantically related columns together.
Attribute, width, usage:
hr | Draws a horizontal line. |
iframe | This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents.Attribute, width, usage:
img | This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place.Attribute, width, usage:
object | This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations. Attribute, width, usage:
pre | This element shows preformatted text as it is included, with exactly specified whitespace, blank lines and such.Attribute, width, usage:
table | The HTML table model allows you to arrange text, images, links, forms, form fields, other tables, etc. into rows and columns of cells.Attribute, width, usage:
td | This element defines a data cell in a table. Attribute, width, usage:
th | This element defines a header cell in a table.Attribute, width, usage:
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