The HTML Elements reference.

"area" - html element

  • This element defines a map region on a client-side image.
  • Starttag <area> is Required and endtag </area> is forbidden
  • Each map region may have a special action when clicked.
  • The SHAPE and COORDS attributes specifies which part of the image that is included in the region.
  • Browsers that support the area - element : Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Opera Google Chrome Apple Safari
Element "area" example:
    <img src="images/TheSun.png" 
         alt="The Sun image" title="The Sun image"
         usemap="#sunmap" />
    <map name="sunmap">
      <area id="sun" shape="circle"
            coords="182,117,57" alt="The Sun" 
            onclick="alert('You click on the Sun');"/></map>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      Which is :<br/>
      left: 182px; (to the center of the sun)<br/>
      top: 117px;  (to the center of the sun)<br/>
      radius: 57px;


accesskey , alt (required), class , coords , dir , href , id , lang , nohref , shape (Initial: rect), style , tabindex , target , title

Attribute "accesskey" value(s): a character as the accesskey
  • Assigns an access key to an element. Pressing an access key assigned to an element gives focus to the element. Will move focus to each map area using the accesskey assigned to each area element.
  • The action that occurs when an element receives focus depends on the element.

The key combination that activates the link to which the accesskey is applied varies depending on the platform and browser combination.

These are for the windows platform:
Browser accesskey usage Remarks
Shift + Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element and execute any link (a) if exist.
Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element. Press enter to execute any link.
Shift + escape + accesskey Shift + escape gives you a list of possible accesskey related to the page.
Shift + Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element and execute any link (a) if exist.
Shift + Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element and execute any link (a) if exist.
Shift + Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element and execute any link (a) if exist.
Shift + Alt + accesskey Set the focus on the element and execute any link (a) if exist.

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