The CSS reference
":first-line" - css pseudo-element (v. css 1)
- Will add a style to the first line of a text.
- HTML usage: all elements
- Note: that the length of the first line depends on a number of factors, including the width of the page, the font size, etc.
- You can, of course, control the length of the first line with a <br> tag.
Browsers that support the :first-line - pseudo-element :
Browser deviation:- To work in IE, a DOCTYPE must be declared.
Pseudo-element ":first-line" example:
<title>Page title</title>
<style type="text/css">
p#onlythis:first-line {
<p id='onlythis'>This first line will be red <br>
and this line black.<br>
<p><b>Note:</b> For :first-line to work in
IE, a DOCTYPE must be declared.</p>
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