The CSS reference

"font-weight" - css property (v. css 1)

  • To specify the weight of a font.
  • Initial value: normal
  • The property is inherited
  • HTML usage: all elements
  • Browsers that support the font-weight - property :
    Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Opera Google Chrome Apple Safari

Possible font-weight values:

value Comments CSS
normal The keyword 'normal' is synonymous with the value '400'. 1
bold The keyword 'bold' is synonymous with the value '700'. 1
bolder Selects the next weight that is assigned to a font that is darker than the inherited one. 1
lighter Selects the next lighter keyword with a different font from the inherited one. 1
The values '100' to '900' form an ordered sequence, where each number indicates a weight that is at least as dark as its predecessor. 1
inherit Will inherit the value from parent specification. 2

Property "font-weight" example:

<html  >
    <style type="text/css">
      div {border: blue 1px solid; color:black;
           padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; width: 400px;
      .bold { font-weight: bold; }
      .bolder { font-weight: bolder; }
      .weight100 { font-weight: 400; }
  <body style="font-size: 14pt" >
    font-weight: bold; <br>
    <div class="bold" >
      The keyword 'bold' is synonymous
      with the value '700'.
    <br>font-weight: bolder; <br>
    <div class="bolder" >
      Selects the next weight that is assigned
      to a font that is darker than the
      inherited one.
    <br>font-weight: 400; (normal)<br>
    <div class="weight400" >
      The values '100' to '900' form an ordered
      sequence, where each number indicates
      a weight that is at least as dark as
      its predecessor.

Javascript access:

// To SET values ([o] is the target object)
[o].style.fontWeight="font-weight values"
// To GET values you must first get the computed style object
// To get that object in IE or Opera:
var cStyle=[o].currentStyle;
// To get that object in Firefox, Chrome or Safari (w3c-type):
var cStyle=window.getComputedStyle([o],null)
// To GET the property value:
var value=cStyle.fontWeight;
/* Chrome will return the keyword if a keyword for weight is set.
   IE, Opera, Firefox and Safari will
   return a weight number if any weight type is set.
   Opera and Safari will return the keyword
   'normal' if the weight is NOT set.*/
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