The CSS reference
"outline-color" - css property (v. css 2)
- Sets the color of an outline.
- Initial value: invert
- The property is not inherited
- HTML usage: All elements
Browsers that support the outline-color - property :
Possible color values:
values | Comments | CSS |
Color name | HTML and CSS color specification defines 147 color names (17 standard colors plus 130 more). You find all the named color through the drop-down selection in the color picker below. | 1 |
rgb(r,g,b) | Integer values representing a color in the form of Red Green and Blue components each with a value between 0 - 255. (rgb(255,0,0) gives a red color) | 1 |
#value | A hexadecimal value representing a color in the form of Red Green and Blue components each with a value btween 00 - FF. | 1 |
invert | 'Invert' is expected to perform a color inversion on the pixels on the screen. User agents may ignore the 'invert' value on platforms that do not support color inversion of the pixels on the screen. | 2 |
inherit | Will inherit the value from parent specification. This property value is new with CSS 2. | 2 |

Selected Color:
Hex: | |
Red: | |
Green: | |
Blue: | |
Hue: | |
Saturation: | |
Value: |
Harmonious colors:
Property "outline-color" example:
<style type="text/css">
.div1 { position: relative;
width: 300px;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
outline-color: blue;
outline-style: groove;
outline-width: 10px;
<body >
<div class="div1">
Some text in the DIV element<br/>
outline-color: blue;<br/>
outline-style: groove;<br/>
outline-width: 10px;<br/>
Another property "outline-color" example:
<style type="text/css">
.div1 { position: relative;
height: 200px;
width: 240px;
outline: #0000FF 2px solid;}
.p1 { position: relative;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
outline-color: inherit;
outline-style: inherit;
outline-width: inherit;
<body >
<div class="div1">
Some text in the DIV element
<p class="p1" ><img width="170px" height="100px"
src="images/ferrari.png" alt="A ferrari image">
The above P element inherits the
outline of the DIV element
Javascript access:
// To SET values ([o] is the target object)
[o].style.outlineColor="outline-color value"
// To GET values you must first get the computed style object
// To get that object in IE or Opera:
var cStyle=[o].currentStyle;
// To get that object in Firefox, Chrome or Safari (w3c-type):
var cStyle=window.getComputedStyle([o],null)
// To GET the property value:;
var value=cStyle.outlineColor;
/* IE and Opera will return
a hexa-decimal string value (ex.: #FFFFFF)
Firefox, Chrome and Safari will return
a rgb string value (ex.: rgb(255,255,255))*/
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