The CSS reference
"pitch" - css property (v. css 2)
- To specify the speaking voice
- For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz.
- Initial value: medium
- The property is inherited
- HTML usage: all elements
Browsers that support the pitch - property :
h1 {pitch: 170Hz}
h2 {pitch: medium}
Possible pitch values:
Values | Comments | CSS |
[frequency] | Specifies the average pitch of the speaking voice in hertz (Hz). | 2 |
x-low | User agents depended frequency based on the voice family and user environment, but lower than low. | 2 |
low | User agents depended frequency based on the voice family and user environment, but lower than medium. | 2 |
medium | User agents depended frequency based on the voice family and user environment, but lower than high. | 2 |
high | User agents depended frequency based on the voice family and user environment, but lower than x-high. | 2 |
x-high | User agents depended frequency based on the voice family and user environment. | 2 |
inherit | Will inherit the value from parent specification. | 2 |
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