CPP Polymorphism and Virtual Methods

What is Polymorphism in C++?

  • Poly means many, and morph means form: A polymorphic function is many-formed.
  • Polymorphism works only with pointers or references.
  • Building polymorphism is :
    • the capability to bind specific derived class objects to base class pointers at runtime.
    • the fundament to this is Use of virtual methods in derived classes.
  • It is important to understand the differences between:
    Class A Class is a specification for a specific type of objects (class example: Person, Car, Animal, ...). They are also referred as complex types.
    class Person {
            // here comes the class specification
    Object An Object is an occurrence that is created with a Class specification.
     Person * pObama = new Person();

    The "new Person();" creates an object of the Person Class and returns a pointer reference to that object.
    Reference A Reference tells us that it has an relation to an object created with a Class of the same type as the Reference or an object created with a Class that is a subclass of the Reference.
     Person * pObama = new Employee(45, 65, 50000);

    In this case: pObama is a Person Reference that holds a pointer to an Employee Object, which is created by a drived Class, Employee, of the Person Class.
  • With Polymorphism we want to execute methods for the created object of a Class even the Reference is of the same Class or a base Class of that Class.
    shape.getArea() length * width, if shape is a reference to a Rectangle object.
    shape.getArea() radius * radius *PI, if shape is a reference to a Circle object.
    To achieve this kind of Polymorphism we need virtual methods.

What is Virtual Methods?

  • In Java is Polymorphism by default built-in, but in C++ we can build the control of the Polymorphism as we want.
  • To achieve the polymorphic functionality we make overridden methods virtual.
  • A method is virtual if when we write the virtual keyword in front of the method.
  • When a method in a class is made virtual all overridden methods in the subclasses are also virtual.
  • It is not necessary to write virtual in front of a virtual methods in the derived class, but a good practice to do that.
  • Note that the virtual function magic operates only on pointers and references.
    Polymorphism and virtual methods example:
    #include <iostream>
    class Person {
      Person (int age, int weight){
        this->age = age;
        this->weight = weight;
      // this method is made virtual
      virtual void showInfo() {
        std::cout << "I am " << age << " years old " ;
        std::cout << "and weighs " << weight << " kilo.\n\n" ;
      int getAge() { return age; }
      int getWeight() { return weight; }
      int age;
      int weight;
    class Employee : public Person {
      Employee (int age, int weight, int salary): Person(age,weight){
        this->salary = salary;
      // The base has made this method virtual
      void showInfo() {
        std::cout << "I am " << age << " years old " ;
        std::cout << "and weighs " << weight << " kilo " ;
        std::cout << "and earns " << salary << " dollar.\n\n" ;
      int getSalary() { return salary; }
      int salary;
    int main()
      Employee Rune(35, 95, 40000);
      Person & Bengt=Rune;
      // As the showInfo method is virtual 
      // the Employee showInfo() will be executed
      // as Bengt is a reference to an object of Employee
      Person * pRicard = new Person(40, 70);
      delete pRicard;
      Person * pObama = new Employee(45, 65, 50000);
      // As the showInfo method is virtual 
      // the Employee showInfo() will be executed
      // as pObama is a pointer reference to an object of Employee
      delete pObama;
      return 0;
    When we run this application the result will be:
    I am 35 years old and weighs 95 kilo and earns 40000 dollar.
    I am 40 years old and weighs 70 kilo.
    I am 45 years old and weighs 65 kilo and earns 50000 dollar.

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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