SQL Column Computation.

How to create columns Computations in the Query Results.

The select_list is the place where you can create computations that you want to be performed on any of the numeric data or constants.

Symbols to use for this:
Symbol Operation
+ addition
- subtraction
/ division
* multiplication
MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, PostgreSQL:
select Order_ID as "Order", ISBN_no as "ISBN",
       Item_qty "Quantity", price "Price", Item_qty*price "Product" from order_BOOKS
       where order_ID=70001;
The result should be:
Order ISBN Quantity Price Product
70001 0201703092 2 39 78
70001 0764557599 1 42 42
70001 1861002025 5 38 190
70001 1861006314 2 29 58
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