• The BETWEEN operator is used to select values within a range.
  • Be aware of that the selection is based on two values where both are included.
    BETWEEN Example:
    MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, PostgreSQL:
    select isbn_no "ISBN where order is between $100 and $50" ,
      ITEM_QTY * price "Order in $"
      from order_books
      where ITEM_QTY * price BETWEEN 50 and 100;
    (it is the same as : WHERE ITEM_QTY * price <= 100 AND ITEM_QTY * price >= 50 ;)
    The result should be:
    ISBN where order is between $100 and $50 Order in $
    0201703092 78
    1861006314 58
    0764557599 84
    0471777781 64
    NOT BETWEEN Example:
    MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, PostgreSQL:
    select isbn_no "ISBN where order is not between $300 and $50" ,
      ITEM_QTY * price "Order in $"
      from order_books
      where ITEM_QTY * price NOT BETWEEN 50 and 300;
    (it is the same as : WHERE NOT (ITEM_QTY * price <= 300 AND ITEM_QTY * price >= 50);)
    The result should be:
    ISBN where order is not between $300 and $50 Order in $
    0764557599 42
    0672325764 49
    0201703092 390
    1861006314 29
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