Exception handling in Javascript.

Handling execptions statements

Using the try, catch and finally statements

  • The try, catch and finally statement is JavaScript's exception-handling mechanism.
  • A try, catch and finally statement has the form:
     try {
      } catch (variable) {
      } finally {
    Where :
    • The try clause of this statement simply defines the block of code whose exceptions are to be handled.
    • The catch clause is the block of statements that are invoked when an exception occurs anywhere within the try block.
    • The catch clause is followed by a finally block, which normally contains cleanup codes. The finally blocks are optional, but is guaranteed to be executed either an exception or not.
    An example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var age = 0;
      try {
        // Execute a function that does not exist;
        age= getAge("Let me know your age: ");
        // This statement will never be executed:
         document.write("Your age is " + age);
      }catch (ex) {  // fetch the error (ex is the error message)
        // Tell the user what the error is
        document.write("<h3 style='color: red;'>"+ex+"</h3>");
      }finally {
        document.write("Maybe I should not asked you about your age.");

Using the throw statement.

    To throw an exception is to signal that an error or an exceptional condition.
  • A throw statement has the form:
    throw expression;throw expression;
  • Exceptions are thrown by the system whenever a runtime error occurs and whenever the program explicitly throws one using the throw statement.
    An example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var n = 0;
      var approved=false;
      while (!approved) {
        try {
          // Ask the user to enter a number
          n = prompt("To enter an integer between 0 and 10 makes no exceptions.", 0);
          // Compute the factorial of the number, assuming that the user's
          // input is valid
          if (n<=0 || n>=10) {
            throw "Your integer has an error value: "+n;
          // Display the result
          document.write("OK n = " + n+"<br>");
        catch (ex) {  // If the user's input was not valid, we end up here
          // Tell the user what the error is
        }finally {
          if (confirm("Try again?")) { approved=false;
          }else {  approved=true; }

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