Javascript function closures .

What is function closure?

  • Functions that are defined within a function can access variables in the function they are defined, even after this function has completed its task. This possibility is to be considered as a closure in the computer science literature.
  • To put it another way; a closure is created when a function keeps a link to its parent's scope even after the parent has returned.
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var innerFunc;
      function parentFunc(){
        var number = 2010;
    // This unnamed function is defined within the function parentFunc
    // and will have access to the variables in this function.
        innerFunc = function(){ return ++number; }
    // After the first run of the parentFunc function, the unnamed
    // function will have a reference in the global scope.
    document.write("Execute 1. time: "+innerFunc()+"<br>");
    document.write("Execute 2. time: "+innerFunc()+"<br>");
    document.write("Execute 3. time: "+innerFunc()+"<br>");
  • In web site development, one wishes at times animation. Closure is in practice often used to get such effects.
  • The following is an example of how to change the background color of a web-page using the closure and setInterval() method, found in the Windows environment
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function animateColor() {
        document.body.innerHTML="<h1>The animation is started!</h1>";
        // We first sets up initial values ​​for the colors red,
        // green and blue that we want to change over time.
        var r=255, g=255, b=255;
        // setInterval() method will repeatedly perform a
        // function, given as first argument, but with a time
        // interval in milliseconds given as the second argument.
        var handle=window.setInterval(
        // first an unnamed function to do the repeating job.
          function () {
          var rStr = r.toString(16); if (rStr.length == 1) rStr = '0' + rStr;
          var gStr = g.toString(16); if (gStr.length == 1) gStr = '0' + gStr;
          var bStr = b.toString(16); if (bStr.length == 1) bStr = '0' + bStr;
        // background color is changed each time the function is performed
          r=r-1;  g=g-1;
       // The animation stops when the red color is less than 0
          if (r<0) {
            document.body.innerHTML="<h1>The animation is stopped!</h1>";
       // The returns from the setInterval() method is used
       // to stop the repeating cycle using the clearInterval ()
       // method, which is found in the Windows environment.
      // interval in milliseconds is 10.
      // animateColor () function will end here but the internal 
      // function will continue with it's duties.
    <!-- The animation starts when the page is loaded -->
    <body onload="animateColor()" ></body>

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