HTML Element Reference
Form Elements
Formating Elements
Frame Elements
Head Elements
Image and Media Elements
List Elements
Structure Elements
Table Elements
The HTML Elements reference.
"font" - html element (deprecated)
- This element is used to change the size, color and face of the enclosed text.
- Starttag <font> is Required and endtag </font> is Required
- As this element is deprecated you should instead use style sheets (CSS 'font' ).
- Browsers that support the font - element :
Element "font" example:
<p> <font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”2”>All
text affected by this font tag is now set to size
2.</font> </p>
<p> <font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>All text
affected by this font tag is defaulting to the browser’s
base font size, because no size attribute is
defined.</font> </p>
class , color (deprecated), dir , face (deprecated), id , lang , size (deprecated), style , title
Attribute "class" value(s): A list of style class names that must be separated by white space characters.
Attribute "color" value(s): color
Attribute "dir" value(s): ltr or rtl
Attribute "face" value(s): sequence of characters
Attribute "id" value(s): unique name
Attribute "lang" value(s): language-code
Attribute "size" value(s):
Attribute "style" value(s): style
Attribute "title" value(s): text
class , color (deprecated), dir , face (deprecated), id , lang , size (deprecated), style , title
Attribute "class" value(s): A list of style class names that must be separated by white space characters.
- This attribute assigns a style class name or set of style class names to an element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or names.
- You will find more about this in the CSS learning on this site.
Attribute "color" value(s): color
- Sets the text color.
- You should use styles (CSS) instead.
#00FFFF aqua
#000000 black
#0000FF blue
#FF00FF fuchsia
#808080 gray
#808080 grey
#008000 green
#00FF00 lime
#800000 maroon
#000080 navy
#808000 olive
#800080 purple
#FF0000 red
#C0C0C0 silver
#008080 teal
#FFFFFF white
#FFFF00 yellow
#F0F8FF aliceblue
#FAEBD7 antiquewhite
#00FFFF aqua
#7FFFD4 aquamarine
#F0FFFF azure
#F5F5DC beige
#FFE4C4 bisque
#000000 black
#FFEBCD blanchedalmond
#0000FF blue
#8A2BE2 blueviolet
#A52A2A brown
#DEB887 burlywood
#5F9EA0 cadetblue
#7FFF00 chartreuse
#D2691E chocolate
#FF7F50 coral
#6495ED cornflowerblue
#FFF8DC cornsilk
#DC143C crimson
#00FFFF cyan
#00008B darkblue
#008B8B darkcyan
#B8860B darkgoldenrod
#A9A9A9 darkgray
#A9A9A9 darkgrey
#006400 darkgreen
#BDB76B darkkhaki
#8B008B darkmagenta
#556B2F darkolivegreen
#FF8C00 darkorange
#9932CC darkorchid
#8B0000 darkred
#E9967A darksalmon
#8FBC8F darkseagreen
#483D8B darkslateblue
#2F4F4F darkslategray
#2F4F4F darkslategrey
#00CED1 darkturquoise
#9400D3 darkviolet
#FF1493 deeppink
#00BFFF deepskyblue
#696969 dimgray
#696969 dimgrey
#1E90FF dodgerblue
#B22222 firebrick
#FFFAF0 floralwhite
#228B22 forestgreen
#FF00FF fuchsia
#DCDCDC gainsboro
#F8F8FF ghostwhite
#FFD700 gold
#DAA520 goldenrod
#808080 gray
#808080 grey
#008000 green
#ADFF2F greenyellow
#F0FFF0 honeydew
#FF69B4 hotpink
#CD5C5C indianred
#4B0082 indigo
#FFFFF0 ivory
#F0E68C khaki
#E6E6FA lavender
#FFF0F5 lavenderblush
#7CFC00 lawngreen
#FFFACD lemonchiffon
#ADD8E6 lightblue
#F08080 lightcoral
#E0FFFF lightcyan
#FAFAD2 lightgoldenrodyellow
#D3D3D3 lightgray
#D3D3D3 lightgrey
#90EE90 lightgreen
#FFB6C1 lightpink
#FFA07A lightsalmon
#20B2AA lightseagreen
#87CEFA lightskyblue
#778899 lightslategray
#778899 lightslategrey
#B0C4DE lightsteelblue
#FFFFE0 lightyellow
#00FF00 lime
#32CD32 limegreen
#FAF0E6 linen
#FF00FF magenta
#800000 maroon
#66CDAA mediumaquamarine
#0000CD mediumblue
#BA55D3 mediumorchid
#9370D8 mediumpurple
#3CB371 mediumseagreen
#7B68EE mediumslateblue
#00FA9A mediumspringgreen
#48D1CC mediumturquoise
#C71585 mediumvioletred
#191970 midnightblue
#F5FFFA mintcream
#FFE4E1 mistyrose
#FFE4B5 moccasin
#FFDEAD navajowhite
#000080 navy
#FDF5E6 oldlace
#808000 olive
#6B8E23 olivedrab
#FFA500 orange
#FF4500 orangered
#DA70D6 orchid
#EEE8AA palegoldenrod
#98FB98 palegreen
#AFEEEE paleturquoise
#D87093 palevioletred
#FFEFD5 papayawhip
#FFDAB9 peachpuff
#CD853F peru
#FFC0CB pink
#DDA0DD plum
#B0E0E6 powderblue
#800080 purple
#FF0000 red
#BC8F8F rosybrown
#4169E1 royalblue
#8B4513 saddlebrown
#FA8072 salmon
#F4A460 sandybrown
#2E8B57 seagreen
#FFF5EE seashell
#A0522D sienna
#C0C0C0 silver
#87CEEB skyblue
#6A5ACD slateblue
#708090 slategray
#708090 slategrey
#FFFAFA snow
#00FF7F springgreen
#4682B4 steelblue
#D2B48C tan
#008080 teal
#D8BFD8 thistle
#FF6347 tomato
#40E0D0 turquoise
#EE82EE violet
#F5DEB3 wheat
#FFFFFF white
#F5F5F5 whitesmoke
#FFFF00 yellow
#9ACD32 yellowgreen
Selected Color:
Hex: | |
Red: | |
Green: | |
Blue: | |
Hue: | |
Saturation: | |
Value: |
Harmonious colors:
Attribute "dir" value(s): ltr or rtl
- Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text in an element's content and attribute values. It also specifies the directionality of tables.
Attribute value | description |
ltr | Left-to-right text or table. |
rtl | Right-to-left text or table. |
Attribute "face" value(s): sequence of characters
- Defines a comma-separated list of font names the user agent should search for in order of preference.
- You should use styles (CSS) instead.
Attribute "id" value(s): unique name
- This attribute assigns an identification name to an element. This name must be unique in a document
- Id is often used when one wants to search for an item using javascript or vbscript.
Attribute "lang" value(s): language-code
- Specifies the base language of an element's attribute values and text content.
Lang code | Name of Language |
aa | Afar |
ab | Abkhazian |
af | Afrikaans |
ak | Akan |
sq | Albanian |
am | Amharic |
ar | Arabic |
an | Aragonese |
hy | Armenian |
as | Assamese |
av | Avaric |
ae | Avestan |
ay | Aymara |
az | Azerbaijani |
ba | Bashkir |
bm | Bambara |
be | Belarusian |
bn | Bengali |
bh | Bihari languages |
bi | Bislama |
bo | Tibetan |
bs | Bosnian |
br | Breton |
bg | Bulgarian |
my | Burmese |
ca | Catalan; Valencian |
cs | Czech |
ch | Chamorro |
ce | Chechen |
zh | Chinese |
cu | Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic |
cv | Chuvash |
kw | Cornish |
co | Corsican |
cr | Cree |
cy | Welsh |
cs | Czech |
da | Danish |
de | German |
dv | Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian |
nl | Dutch; Flemish |
dz | Dzongkha |
el | Greek, Modern (1453-) |
en | English |
eo | Esperanto |
et | Estonian |
eu | Basque |
ee | Ewe |
fo | Faroese |
fa | Persian |
fj | Fijian |
fi | Finnish |
fr | French |
fr | French |
fy | Western Frisian |
ff | Fulah |
ka | Georgian |
de | German |
gd | Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic |
ga | Irish |
gl | Galician |
gv | Manx |
el | Greek, Modern (1453-) |
gn | Guarani |
gu | Gujarati |
ht | Haitian; Haitian Creole |
ha | Hausa |
he | Hebrew |
hz | Herero |
hi | Hindi |
ho | Hiri Motu |
hr | Croatian |
hu | Hungarian |
hy | Armenian |
ig | Igbo |
is | Icelandic |
io | Ido |
ii | Sichuan Yi; Nuosu |
iu | Inuktitut |
ie | Interlingue; Occidental |
ia | Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) |
id | Indonesian |
ik | Inupiaq |
is | Icelandic |
it | Italian |
jv | Javanese |
ja | Japanese |
kl | Kalaallisut; Greenlandic |
kn | Kannada |
ks | Kashmiri |
ka | Georgian |
kr | Kanuri |
kk | Kazakh |
km | Central Khmer |
ki | Kikuyu; Gikuyu |
rw | Kinyarwanda |
ky | Kirghiz; Kyrgyz |
kv | Komi |
kg | Kongo |
ko | Korean |
kj | Kuanyama; Kwanyama |
ku | Kurdish |
lo | Lao |
la | Latin |
lv | Latvian |
li | Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish |
ln | Lingala |
lt | Lithuanian |
lb | Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch |
lu | Luba-Katanga |
lg | Ganda |
mk | Macedonian |
mh | Marshallese |
ml | Malayalam |
mi | Maori |
mr | Marathi |
ms | Malay |
mk | Macedonian |
mg | Malagasy |
mt | Maltese |
mn | Mongolian |
mi | Maori |
ms | Malay |
my | Burmese |
na | Nauru |
nv | Navajo; Navaho |
nr | Ndebele, South; South Ndebele |
nd | Ndebele, North; North Ndebele |
ng | Ndonga |
ne | Nepali |
nl | Dutch; Flemish |
nn | Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian |
nb | Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål |
no | Norwegian |
ny | Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja |
oc | Occitan (post 1500) |
oj | Ojibwa |
or | Oriya |
om | Oromo |
os | Ossetian; Ossetic |
pa | Panjabi; Punjabi |
fa | Persian |
pi | Pali |
pl | Polish |
pt | Portuguese |
ps | Pushto; Pashto |
qu | Quechua |
rm | Romansh |
ro | Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan |
ro | Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan |
rn | Rundi |
ru | Russian |
sg | Sango |
sa | Sanskrit |
si | Sinhala; Sinhalese |
sk | Slovak |
sk | Slovak |
sl | Slovenian |
se | Northern Sami |
sm | Samoan |
sn | Shona |
sd | Sindhi |
so | Somali |
st | Sotho, Southern |
es | Spanish; Castilian |
sq | Albanian |
sc | Sardinian |
sr | Serbian |
ss | Swati |
su | Sundanese |
sw | Swahili |
sv | Swedish |
ty | Tahitian |
ta | Tamil |
tt | Tatar |
te | Telugu |
tg | Tajik |
tl | Tagalog |
th | Thai |
bo | Tibetan |
ti | Tigrinya |
to | Tonga (Tonga Islands) |
tn | Tswana |
ts | Tsonga |
tk | Turkmen |
tr | Turkish |
tw | Twi |
ug | Uighur; Uyghur |
uk | Ukrainian |
ur | Urdu |
uz | Uzbek |
ve | Venda |
vi | Vietnamese |
vo | Volapük |
cy | Welsh |
wa | Walloon |
wo | Wolof |
xh | Xhosa |
yi | Yiddish |
yo | Yoruba |
za | Zhuang; Chuang |
zh | Chinese |
zu | Zulu |
Attribute "size" value(s):
- Specifies the height of the rule. The default value for this attribute depends on the user agent. sets the size of the font. Possible values:
- An integer between 1 and 7. This sets the font to some fixed size, whose rendering depends on the user agent. Not all user agents may render all seven sizes.
- A relative increase in font size. The value "+1" means one size larger. The value "-3" means three sizes smaller. All sizes belong to the scale of 1 to 7.
- You should use styles (CSS) instead.
Attribute "style" value(s): style
- Specifies style sheet (CSS) information for the current element.The syntax of the value of the style attribute is determined by the default style sheet language.
- You will find more about this in the CSS learning on this site.
Attribute "title" value(s): text
- This attribute offers advisory information about the element for which it is set.
Attribute "title" example:
<title>title attribute</title>
<body >
<h1 title="Heading 1">This is a Heading 1</h1>
<h2 title="Heading 2">This is a Heading 2</h2>
<h3 title="Heading 3">This is a Heading 3</h3>
<h4 title="Heading 4">This is a Heading 4</h4>
<h5 title="Heading 5">This is a Heading 5</h5>
<h6 title="Heading 6">This is a Heading 6</h6>
The font element have not any Events!
The font element can contain the following element(s):
Elements | Description |
a | The A element denotes an anchor; a hypertext link or the destination of a link. |
abbr | This element allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that define an abbreviation for a word. |
acronym | Indicates an acronym abbreviation. |
applet | (deprecated) This element is used to embed Java applets. |
b | This element renders the text betweeen the start and end tag in bold. |
basefont | (deprecated) The BASEFONT element is used to set a default font size. #You should include the element in the header section ($'head') of the document. #You should avoid using this as It is only supported by Internet Explorer. |
bdo | This element overrides the bidirectional algorithm for the enclosed text. |
big | The big element is a text formatting control that increments the enclosed text by one size. |
br | Forced line break |
button | This element defines a submit button, reset button, or push button. |
cite | This element is used to markup citations, such as titles of magazines or newspapers, ship names, references to other sources, and quotation attributions. |
code | This element shows text that is intended to be shown in a monospaced font. #This is useful for programming code. |
dfn | This element denotes the defining instance of a term. #Visual browsers typically render enclosed text as italic. |
em | This element is used to indicate emphasis. #Browsers typically renders enclosed text in italic. |
font | (deprecated) This element is used to change the size, color and face of the enclosed text. |
i | This element suggests that enclosed text shall be rendered as italic text. |
iframe | This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents. |
img | This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place. |
input | This element defines a form control for the user to enter input. |
kbd | This element denotes text to be entered by the user. #Browsers will typically render text as monospaced. |
label | This element associates a label with a form control. |
map | This element specifies a client-side image map that may be associated with another elements like: IMG, OBJECT, or INPUT. |
object | This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations. |
q | This element is used for short, inline quotations. |
s | (deprecated) Render strike-through style text. |
samp | This element's purpose is to identify a sample of characters that form the output or result of some process. |
script | Defines a script (javascript, vbscript ....) which may be used within a document. A script contains code which is executable.# You may also include a version number to precisely inform the browser the support you need for the script. |
select | This element defines a form control for the selection of options. It is is most useful within a FORM. |
small | This element suggests that the enclosed text must be rendered in a smaller font. |
span | This element is a generic inline container. |
strike | (deprecated) Render strike-through style text. |
strong | The STRONG element gives strong emphasis to its contents. Browsers typically renders enclosed text in bold. |
sub | This element is used for subscripts. |
sup | This element is used for superscripts. |
textarea | This element is used in forms to get multiple lines of text from the user. |
tt | This element suggests that the text should be rendered as teletype or monospaced text. |
u | (deprecated) This element suggests that the text should be rendered as underlined text. |
var | This element is used to markup variables or program arguments. Browsers will typically render enclosed text as italic type. |
The font element can be contained in the following element(s):
Elements | Description |
a | The A element denotes an anchor; a hypertext link or the destination of a link. |
abbr | This element allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that define an abbreviation for a word. |
acronym | Indicates an acronym abbreviation. |
address | ADDRESS is used to supply contact information for a web document. |
applet | (deprecated) This element is used to embed Java applets. |
b | This element renders the text betweeen the start and end tag in bold. |
bdo | This element overrides the bidirectional algorithm for the enclosed text. |
big | The big element is a text formatting control that increments the enclosed text by one size. |
blockquote | This element is used to format the text as a block quote, which means the right and left margins are indented from the text before and after the quote. |
body | The <BODY> tag contains the body of the document. It must come after the </$'head'> (if a header is specified). # Everything between the <BODY> and </BODY> is considered part of the document body. # It is the part of the document that is visible to the user. |
button | This element defines a submit button, reset button, or push button. |
caption | The CAPTION element's text should describe the nature of the table. # The CAPTION element is only permitted immediately after the $'table' start tag. |
center | (deprecated) This element defines a block whose contents are centered horizontally on visual browsers. |
cite | This element is used to markup citations, such as titles of magazines or newspapers, ship names, references to other sources, and quotation attributions. |
code | This element shows text that is intended to be shown in a monospaced font. #This is useful for programming code. |
dd | This element provides the definition of a term in a definition list. |
del | This element is used to markup sections of the document that have been deleted with respect to a different version of a document. |
dfn | This element denotes the defining instance of a term. #Visual browsers typically render enclosed text as italic. |
div | This element offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. # The <DIV> tag is used to divide a document up into artificial sections such as chapters, sections, appendix and so on. |
dt | This element defines a term in a definition list. |
em | This element is used to indicate emphasis. #Browsers typically renders enclosed text in italic. |
fieldset | Groups related form controls. |
font | (deprecated) This element is used to change the size, color and face of the enclosed text. |
form | This element defines an interactive form. |
h1 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
h2 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
h3 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
h4 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
h5 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
h6 | The elements H1 through H6 are used to define header levels within a document. # H1 element is the most significant header and H6 is the least significant. |
i | This element suggests that enclosed text shall be rendered as italic text. |
iframe | This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents. |
ins | This element is used to markup sections of the document that have been inserted with respect to a different version of a document. |
kbd | This element denotes text to be entered by the user. #Browsers will typically render text as monospaced. |
label | This element associates a label with a form control. |
legend | This element is used to provide the caption text for grouped form controls and text contained in a fieldset. |
li | This element defines a list item. |
noscript | This element provides alternate content for a client-side script that was not executed. |
object | This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations. |
p | This element defines a paragraph of text. |
q | This element is used for short, inline quotations. |
s | (deprecated) Render strike-through style text. |
samp | This element's purpose is to identify a sample of characters that form the output or result of some process. |
small | This element suggests that the enclosed text must be rendered in a smaller font. |
span | This element is a generic inline container. |
strike | (deprecated) Render strike-through style text. |
strong | The STRONG element gives strong emphasis to its contents. Browsers typically renders enclosed text in bold. |
sub | This element is used for subscripts. |
sup | This element is used for superscripts. |
td | This element defines a data cell in a table. |
th | This element defines a header cell in a table. |
tt | This element suggests that the text should be rendered as teletype or monospaced text. |
u | (deprecated) This element suggests that the text should be rendered as underlined text. |
var | This element is used to markup variables or program arguments. Browsers will typically render enclosed text as italic type. |
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