The HTML Attribute reference.

"height" - html Attribute (deprecated)

  • This attribute specifies the height of the rule.
  • You should use styles (CSS) instead. (except for the object and iframe element)

Used in the element(s):
Elements Description
applet (deprecated) This element is used to embed Java applets.Attribute, height, usage:
  • Specifies the initial height of the applet's display area (excluding any windows or dialogs that the applet creates)
iframe This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents.Attribute, height, usage:
  • The height of the inline frame.
img This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place.Attribute, height, usage:
  • Override height of the image
td This element defines a data cell in a table. Attribute, height, usage:
  • Supplies user agents with a recommended cell height.
th This element defines a header cell in a table.Attribute, height, usage:
  • Supplies user agents with a recommended cell height.
object This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations. Attribute, height, usage:
  • When specified, the width and height attributes tell user agents to override the natural image or object size in favor of these values.

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