The HTML Attribute reference.
"name" - html Attribute
- A control's "control name" is given by its name attribute.
Elements | Description |
a | The A element denotes an anchor; a hypertext link or the destination of a link.Attribute, name, usage:
applet | (deprecated) This element is used to embed Java applets.Attribute, name, usage:
button | This element defines a submit button, reset button, or push button.Attribute, name, usage:
form | This element defines an interactive form. Attribute, name, usage:
frame | This element defines a frame, which is a rectangular subspace within a Frameset document. Attribute, name, usage:
iframe | This element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of other HTML documents.Attribute, name, usage:
img | This element specifies an inline image to be drawn in the place.Attribute, name, usage:
input | This element defines a form control for the user to enter input.Attribute, name, usage:
map | This element specifies a client-side image map that may be associated with another elements like: IMG, OBJECT, or INPUT. Attribute, name, usage:
meta | Metatags are a way for you to define your web page and web site to the outside world.Attribute, name, usage:
object | This element is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations. Attribute, name, usage:
param | This element provides parameters for the 'object'
and 'applet'
elements. Attribute, name, usage:
select | This element defines a form control for the selection of options. It is is most useful within a FORM.Attribute, name, usage:
textarea | This element is used in forms to get multiple lines of text from the user.Attribute, name, usage:
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