The HTML Attribute reference.
"target" - html Attribute
- Specifies the name of a frame where a document is to be opened. Look in the table below for other alternatives.
- The TARGET attribute value ( in the table below) is case-insensitive, so that _top and _TOP both have the same meaning.
Value(s): frame target
Possible attribute values for this element:
Attribute value | description |
{frame name} | Renders the links to a frame or iframe. |
_blank | Renders the links in a new, unnamed window. |
_self | Renders the links in the current frame. |
_parent | Renders the links in the immediate FRAMESET parent. |
_top | Renders the links in the full, unframed window. |
Elements | Description |
a | The A element denotes an anchor; a hypertext link or the destination of a link. |
area | This element defines a map region on a client-side image. |
base | The BASE element defines the document's base URI for resolving relative URIs contained within the document. |
form | This element defines an interactive form. |
link | This element is designed to define a relationship between documents. |
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