Statements and Expressions in Javascript.

Working with Expressions & Statements in Javascript?

  • A statement controls the sequence of execution.
  • The Statement uses expression to evaluate a resulting outcome.
  • The Statement must end with a semicolon.
  • Whitespace such as tabs, spaces, and new lines is generally ignored in statements.
  • Blocks with statements begins with an opening brace ({) and ends with a closing brace (}) and is not ended with a semicolon.
  • In Javascript will anything that evaluates to a numeric value be an expression. Thus, the statement 4+9; returns the value 13, so it is an expression.
  • You can consider all expressions as statements in Javascript.
    For example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var a=4;
      var b="45", c=0, d=true;
      document.write("a: "+ a +" b: "+b);
      document.write(" c: "+ c +" d: "+d+"<br>");
      a = 3;
      b = 9;
      d = c = a+b;
      document.write("a: "+ a +" b: "+b);
      document.write(" c: "+ c +" d: "+d+"<br>");
    The result should be:
    a: 4 b: 45 c: 0 d: true
    a: 3 b: 9 c: 12 d: 12
  • Go to the next session for more details about the handling of numbers and the create numeric expressions.

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