CPP if and else
Controlling Flow with if and else Statements
Programs needs to take action based on a true condition, or another action based on a false condition.
For this we are using if and else statements which also both can be nested:
if (expression1) {
if (expression2)
else {
if (expression3)
- If the expression followed by the if statements evaluates to true, statements after the if statement will be executed else the statements after a else starts executing.
- If more than one statement exists for either the true or the false part you need to surround the statements with braces ({}).
if & else example:
Source code | Result |
You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).
The Conditional (Ternary) Operator.
This is a short notation to use for a simple if & else statement:(expression1) ? (expression2) : (expression3)
This is: if expression1 is true, return the value of expression2; otherwise, return the value of expression3.
z = (x > y) ? x : y;
// returns x into z if x>y else z will be y
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