CPP switch

Controlling Flow with switch Statement.

A swich statement has the form:

switch (expression)
    case valueOne: statement;
    case valueTwo: statement;
    case valueN:   statement;
    default:       statement;

Where :
  • Expression is any legal C++ expression that that returns an integer value.
  • Statements are any legal C++ statements or block of statements that is been evaluated.
  • If one of the case values matches the expression, program execution jumps to those statements and continues to the end of the switch block unless a break statement is encountered, which ends the switch block.
  • If nothing matches, execution branches to the optional default statement.
  • If no default and no matching case value exist, execution falls through the switch statement and the statement ends.
Source code Result
// Demonstrates switch statement
#include <iostream>
int main()
  using namespace  std;
  int number;
  cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 5: ";
  cin >> number;
  switch (number) {
  case 0: cout << "Too small number!";
  case 5: cout << "You select 5 " << endl;
    // fall through
  case 4: cout << "You select 5 or 4 " << endl;
  case 3: cout << "You select 3" << endl;
    // fall through
  case 2: cout << "You select 3 or 2" << endl;
   // fall through
  case 1: cout << "You select 3,2 or 1" << endl;
  default: cout << "Too large number" << endl;
  cout << endl << endl;
  return 0;
Enter a number between 1 and 5:3
You select 3
You select 3 or 2
You select 3,2 or 1

You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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