CPP Typedef

What is typedef?

We use typedef to create alias name for a variable type:
Source code Result
// Demonstrates typedef keyword
#include <iostream>
// USHORT is by typedef defined to be
// of "unsigned short int" type
typedef unsigned short int USHORT;

int main() {

  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
// The variables, width, length and area are of USHORT
// type, which is by typedef defined to be
// of "unsigned short int" type.
  USHORT  width = 25;
  USHORT length;
  length = 12;
  USHORT area  = width * length;
  cout << "Width:" << width << "\n";
  cout << "Length: "  << length << endl;
  cout << "Area: " << area <<endl;
  return 0;
Length: 12
Area: 300

It is normal to have all typedef's in a separated header file, which we can include when we need the typedef's.

You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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