CPP Pointers to Functions

Pointers to Functions?

  • It is possible to declare a pointer variable that points to a function and
  • to invoke the function by using that pointer.
  • The syntax for creating a such pointer is:
    returnType (* functionPointerName) (param1Type, param2Type, param3Type ...);
    If we want a pointer to function, functionPointer, that takes one parameter as a double and returns a double we must create it as:
    double (* functionPoint) (double);
  • Pointers to Functions dates from the days of C, before object-oriented programming was available.
  • If you are writing a program that is highly dynamic and needs to operate different functionality based on runtime decisions, this can be a viable solution.
    A Full Program Example:
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    // Declare some function to calculate
    // area of figures
    double TriangleArea (double , double);
    double RectangleArea (double , double);
    double CircleArea (double , double);
    int main() {
      // create a pointer to Function, pointerFunc, that takes 
      // two double parameters and return a double
       double (* pointerFunc) (double, double);
       bool quit = false;
       double value1 =6;
       double value2 =5;
       int choice;
       while (quit == false) {
          cout <<  "(0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: ";
          cin >> choice;
          switch (choice){
              case 1: pointerFunc = TriangleArea; value2= 6; break;
              case 2: pointerFunc = RectangleArea; value2=5; break;
              case 3: pointerFunc = CircleArea; value2=3.14; break;
              default: quit = true; break;
          if (quit == false) {
            // Using selected function to calculate
            // the area of selected figure
             double result= pointerFunc(value1, value2);
             cout << "Area of selected figure: " << result << "\n";
       return 0;
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Triangle
    double TriangleArea (double width, double height) {
      return width*height/2;
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Rectangle
    double RectangleArea (double width, double height) {
      return width*height;
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Circle
    double CircleArea (double radius, double PI) {
      return radius*radius*PI;
    When we run this application, the result will be:
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 1
    Area of selected figure: 18
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 2
    Area of selected figure: 30
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 3
    Area of selected figure: 113.04
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 0

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

Passing a pointer to function to other functions?

  • You can pass Pointers to Function as parameter to other Functions.
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    // Declare some function to calculate
    // area of figures
    double TriangleArea (double , double);
    double RectangleArea (double , double);
    double CircleArea (double , double);
    // Declare the showValues function
    void showValues(double (*) (double, double), double, double);
    int main() {
      // create a pointer to Function, pointerFunc, that takes 
      // two double parameters and return a double
      bool quit = false;
      double value1 =6;
      double value2 =5;
      int choice;
      while (quit == false) {
        cout <<  "(0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: ";
        cin >> choice;
        switch (choice){
              case 1: value2= 6;
                showValues(TriangleArea, value1, value2);
              case 2: value2=5;
                showValues(RectangleArea, value1, value2);
              case 3: value2=3.14;
                showValues(CircleArea, value1, value2);
              default: quit = true; break;
      return 0;
    // A function to handle the pointer to function
    void showValues(double (* pointerFunc) (double, double), double p1, double p2){
      double result= pointerFunc(p1, p2);
      cout << "Area of selected figure: " << result << "\n";
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Triangle
    double TriangleArea (double width, double height) {
      return width*height/2;
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Rectangle
    double RectangleArea (double width, double height) {
      return width*height;
    // Implementation of the function that calculates the 
    // area of a Circle
    double CircleArea (double radius, double PI) {
      return radius*radius*PI;
    When we run this application, the result will be:
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 1
    Area of selected figure: 18
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 2
    Area of selected figure: 30
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 3
    Area of selected figure: 113.04
    (0)Quit (1)Triangle (2)Rectangle (3)Circle: 0

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

  • It is may be best to typedef the pointer to function to get a more readable and clean code:
    // Typedef the pointer to function
    typedef  double (*PFUNC) (double, idouble)
    // Using the typedef in creating a pointer to function variable 
    PFUNC pFunc;
    . . . .
    // Using the typedef in creating a function
    // that takes a parameter of a pointer to function  
    void showValues( PFUNC pointerFunc, double p1, double p2){
      double result= pointerFunc(p1, p2);
      cout << "Area of selected figure: " << result << "\n";
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