CPP Pointers to Class Methods

Pointers to Class Methods

  • For a pointer to a method we use the same syntax as with a pointer to function, but include the class name ending with the scoping operator (::).
    double (Shape::*pointerFunction) (double, double);
    To set the pointer to a method to the address of a method in a class we must use the address-of operator (&) in front of class name ending with the scoping operator(::) in the front of the method name:
    double (Shape::*pointerFunction) (double, double);
  • To execute the method using the pointer to method .
    double (Shape::*pointerFunction) (double, double);
    double area=(shapeInstance.*pointerFunction)(5.0, 3.0);
    // and if the shape object is on the free store
    double area=(shapePointer->*pointerFunction)(5.0, 3.0);
  • The pointer to methods is in a way polymorphic and we normally solve this though use of virtual methods in a class inheritance is-a relationship.
  • The pointer to methods can also be combined with polymorphism.
  • A pointer to a class method can be created inside a class or outside a class.
    Here is an example how you can do that:
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Shape {
      int width, height;
      int (Shape:: * pointerArea) ();
      void (Shape:: * pointerSetValues)(int, int);
      Shape () {
      virtual int area ()=0;
      void set_values (int a, int b)
      { width=a; height=b;}
      int getPointerArea(){
        return (this->*pointerArea)();
      void setPointerValues(int width, int height){
        (this->*pointerSetValues)(width, height);
    class Rectangle: public Shape {
      int area ()
      { return (width * height); }
    class Triangle: public Shape {
      int area ()
      { return (width * height / 2); }
    int main () {
      Rectangle rect;
      Triangle  trgl;
      int width=6;
      int height=5;
      rect.set_values (width,height);
      trgl.set_values (width,height);
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Rectangle area=" << rect.area() << endl;
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Triangle  area=" << trgl.area() << endl;
      cout << "\nUsing pointers to methods:\n";
      // Creates a pointer to method Area() (which is virual)
      // in the Shape class 
      int (Shape:: * pArea)()= pArea=&Shape::area;
      void (Shape:: * pSetValues)(int, int)=&Shape::set_values;
      // Set values using pointer to methods
      // Get Area using pointer to methods
      // As area() is virtual the area() method for the right object is executed
      int rectArea=(rect.*pArea)();
      int trglArea=(trgl.*pArea)();
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Rectangle area=" << rectArea << endl;
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Triangle  area=" << trglArea << endl;
      cout << "\nUsing methods that use pointer to method in the Shape class:\n";
      // Set values using methods that use pointer to methods in the class
      // Get Area using methods that use pointer to methods in the class
      // As area() is virtual the area() method for the right object is executed
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Rectangle area=" << rectArea << endl;
      cout << "For width=" << width << " and height=" << height
           << " the Triangle  area=" << trglArea << endl;
      return 0;
    When we run this application, the result will be:
    For width=6 and height=5 the Rectangle area=30
    For width=6 and height=5 the Triangle  area=15
    Using pointers to methods:
    For width=4 and height=7 the Rectangle area=28
    For width=4 and height=7 the Triangle  area=14
    Using methods that use pointer to method in the Shape class:
    For width=5 and height=8 the Rectangle area=40
    For width=5 and height=8 the Triangle  area=20

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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