CPP Polymophism and Abstract Class
What is an Abstract Class in C++?
- C++ supports the creation of abstract classes by providing the pure virtual method(s).
To declare a pure virtual method you must set the virtual keyword in front of the method
(as for all virtual methods) and then set the function equals to zero (0) with a semicolon at the end.
virtual void showMe() = 0;
- It is illegal to instantiate an object of any class that is an abstract class.
It is illegal to instantiate an object of any class that inherits from an
abstract class and doesn't implements all of the pure virtual functions.
Abstract Class example:
#include <iostream> class Person { public: Person (int age, int weight){ this->age = age; this->weight = weight; } // We makes the showInfo() pure virtual // which brings the Person class to be abstract // and then we cannot create an object of this class virtual void showInfo() =0; int getAge() const { return age; } int getWeight() const { return weight; } protected: int age; int weight; }; class Employee : public Person { public: Employee (int age, int weight, int salary): Person(age,weight){ this->salary = salary; } // the ShowInfo() must be implemented if we // want to create objects of this Class void showInfo() { std::cout << "I am an Employee " << age << " years old " ; std::cout << "and weighs " << weight << " kilo " ; std::cout << "and earns " << salary << " dollar.\n" ; } int getSalary() const { return salary; } private: int salary; }; int main() { // Even we cannot create a object of the person Class // the Person Class can hold a reference to // an object of a drived class that implements the pure virtual function(s). Person * pObama = new Employee(45, 65, 50000); pObama->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; return 0; }
I am an Employee 45 years old and weighs 65 kilo and earns 50000 dollar.
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