CPP Advance Pointers

Methods or functions using advance pointers as arguments

  • When you pass a pointer to a function or method the object the pointer points to can be changed or accessed from inside the function or method if no restrictions are involved.
  • You are also able to change the pointer address from inside the function or method but as the pointer is a copy of the original this type of change are only local for the function or method.
  • To change a pointer you must pass a pointer to pointer of an object(**pAge) as argument to a function or method.
  • A pointer can point to a pointer which can point to a pointer and so on.
    Example of using pointer as argument to a method:
    #include <iostream>
    class Person {
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    // pointer to pointer to integer
      Person (int ** pAge, int ** pWeight){
    // Set the age and weight before 
    // incrementing the references value
        this->age = (**pAge)++;
        this->weight = (**pWeight)++;
    // Swap the address of the pointer to integer 
    // We can do this because we have pointer to pointer to integer arguments 
        int  * pInt=*pAge;
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    // pointer to integer
      Person (int * pAge, int * pWeight){
        this->age = (*pAge)++;
        this->weight = (*pWeight)++;
    // We can change the pAge pointer and the pWeight pointer
    // but is would be local in the this contructor.
       ~Person() {}
      int getAge() { return age; }
      int getWeight() { return weight; }
      int age;
      int weight;
    int main() {
    // create two pointer to pointer to integer
      int ** ppAge = new int*(new int(40));
      int ** ppWeight = new int*(new int(60));
    // Using Constructor that take arguments of 
    // pointer to pointer to integer
      Person * pRicard = new Person(ppAge, ppWeight);
      std::cout << "Ricard is: ";
      std::cout << pRicard->getAge() << " years old.\n" ;
      std::cout << "And Ricard weighs: ";
      std::cout << pRicard->getWeight() << " kilo.\n\n" ;
    // Using Constructor that take arguments of 
    // pointer to integer
      Person * pObama = new Person(*ppAge, *ppWeight);
      std::cout << "Obama is: ";
      std::cout << pObama->getAge() << " years old.\n" ;
      std::cout << "And Obama weighs: ";
      std::cout << pObama->getWeight() << " kilo.\n\n" ;
      return 0;
    When we run this application the result will be:
    Ricard is: 40 years old.
    And Ricard weighs: 60 kilo.
    Obama is: 61 years old.
    And Obama weighs: 41 kilo.

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

Using const specifier with the Method's arguments.

  • To change the first Constructor in the example above with a const specifies that do not allow any change of the pointer to pointer to integers:
    Person (int ** const pAge, int ** const pWeight)
    has no effect as we are not changing the pointer to pointer to integer in this constructor.
  • If we in the same Constructor do not want to give any possibility to change the pointer to integer either then the Constructor must be as:
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    // const pointer to const pointer to integer
      Person ( int * const * const pAge, int * const * const pWeight){
    // Set the age and weight before 
    // incrementing the references value
        this->age = (**pAge)++;
        this->weight = (**pWeight)++;
    // Swap the address of the references 
        int  * pInt=*pAge;     // We can only read pointer to integer now
    //    *pAge=*pWeight;      // can not changed now
    //    *pWeight=pInt;       // can not changed now
  • If we in the same Constructor do not want to give any possibility to change the integer either then the Constructor must be as:
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    // const pointer to const pointer to const integer
      Person ( const int * const * const pAge, const int * const * const pWeight){
    // Set the age and weight before 
    // incrementing the references value
        this->age = (**pAge);       // can not changed of the original integer now
        this->weight = (**pWeight); // can not changed of the original integer now
    // Swap the address of the references 
        int  * pInt=*pAge;     // We can only read pointer to integer now
    //    *pAge=*pWeight;      // can not changed now
    //    *pWeight=pInt;       // can not changed now
  • If the argument to a method is of const pointer to const object of a class and you want to access any method in that object, the methods must be const specified :
    Example of a const pointer to const object using methods of the object:
    #include <iostream>
    class Person {
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    //  pointer  to integer
      Person (int * const pAge, int * const pWeight){
    // Set the age and weight 
        this->age = *pAge;
        this->weight = *pWeight;
    // This Constructor take arguments of 
    // const pointer to const Person object
      Person (const Person * const pPerson){
        this->age = pPerson->getAge()+1;
        this->weight = pPerson->getWeight()+10;
       ~Person() {}
    // as we are using these methods in the last 
    // Constructor they must be supplied with the const specifier
      int getAge() const { return age; }
      int getWeight() const { return weight; }
      int age;
      int weight;
    int main() {
      int age = 40;
      int weight = 60;
    // Using Constructor that take arguments of 
    // pointer to integer
      Person * pRicard = new Person(&age, &weight);
      std::cout << "Ricard is: ";
      std::cout << pRicard->getAge() << " years old.\n" ;
      std::cout << "And Ricard weighs: ";
      std::cout << pRicard->getWeight() << " kilo.\n\n" ;
    // Using Constructor that take arguments of 
    // pointer to Person object
      Person * pObama = new Person(pRicard);
      std::cout << "Obama is: ";
      std::cout << pObama->getAge() << " years old.\n" ;
      std::cout << "And Obama weighs: ";
      std::cout << pObama->getWeight() << " kilo.\n\n" ;
      return 0;
    When we run this application, the result will be:
    Ricard is: 40 years old.
    And Ricard weighs: 60 kilo.
    Obama is: 41 years old.
    And Obama weighs: 70 kilo.

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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