CPP Polymorphism and Constructors
Polymorphism, Constructors and Destructors
- A Destructor can be declared as virtual. This causes that the right destructor for the object executes even if the pointer or reference is of a base class type.
- On the other hand Constructors cannot be virtual and so technically, no such thing exists as a virtual copy constructor.
Polymorphism and Copy Constructor
- At times, your program desperately needs to be able to pass in a pointer of a base object and have a copy of the correct derived object that is created.
Common solution for this is:
- Create a method, CloneObject(), in the base class and to make that be virtual.
- The CloneObject() method creates a new object copy of the current class it is implemented in and returns that object.
- Each derived class overrides the CloneObject() method with it's own implementation.
Note: It is possible for a virtual override method to return a pointer reference of base class type.
Example :#include <iostream> class Person { public: Person (int age, int weight){ this->age = age; this->weight = weight; } Person (const Person & refObject) { std::cout << "Person Copy Constructor...\n"; this->age = refObject.getAge(); this->weight = refObject.getWeight(); } virtual ~Person () {} // this method is made virtual virtual void showInfo() { std::cout << "I am " << age << " years old " ; std::cout << "and weighs " << weight << " kilo.\n" ; } virtual Person* CloneObject() { // Using the Person Copy-Constructor to create an object return new Person(*this); } int getAge() const { return age; } int getWeight() const { return weight; } protected: int age; int weight; }; class Employee : public Person { public: Employee (int age, int weight, int salary): Person(age,weight){ this->salary = salary; } Employee(const Employee & refObject): Person(refObject){ this->salary=refObject.getSalary(); std::cout << "Employee copy constructor...\n"; } virtual ~Employee () {} // The base has made this method virtual void showInfo() { std::cout << "I am " << age << " years old " ; std::cout << "and weighs " << weight << " kilo " ; std::cout << "and earns " << salary << " dollar.\n" ; } Person * CloneObject() { // Using the Employee Copy-Constructor to create an object return new Employee(*this); } int getSalary() const { return salary; } private: int salary; }; int main() { // Testing with pointers and virtual copy constructor Person * pObama = new Employee(45, 65, 50000); pObama->showInfo(); // This causes the CloneObject method on Employee to be executed Person * pPhil =pObama->CloneObject(); pPhil->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; // Testing with references and virtual copy constructor Employee Ricard(40, 70,80000); Person & rRicard=Ricard; rRicard.showInfo(); // This causes the CloneObject method on Employee to be executed Person & rFrank =*rRicard.CloneObject(); rFrank.showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; return 0; }
I am 45 years old and weighs 65 kilo and earns 50000 dollar. Person Copy Constructor... Employee copy constructor... I am 45 years old and weighs 65 kilo and earns 50000 dollar. I am 40 years old and weighs 70 kilo and earns 80000 dollar. Person Copy Constructor... Employee copy constructor... I am 40 years old and weighs 70 kilo and earns 80000 dollar.
You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).
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