CPP Methods
What Is a Method?
Methods appear inside class bodies.
They contain local variable declarations.
Java statements that are executed when the method is invoked.
Methods may return a value which can be:
a primitive type.
a reference type
or the type void, which indicates no returned value.
a primitive type.
Methods may take arguments of same type
as for return values – except void.
class Bird {
int xPos;
double fly(int x, int y) {
// distance is a local variable for the method
double distance = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
// the local variable,xPos, shadows or hides
// the name of the instance variable
int xPos = x;
// You can use the special reference this operator
// any time you need to refer explicitly to the current object
this.xPos = y;
return distance;
Static methods (class methods), like static variables, belong to the class.
(not the object of a class)
They can be invoked by name, through the class name, without any objects around.
Static methods can directly access only other static members of the class.
static String wheels() { // static method
return "I have 4 wheels!";
Java 5.0 introduced variable-length argument lists or "varargs" for methods.
syntax for declaring the varargs method uses ellipses (...)
where the square brackets of an array might go.
void printObjects( Object ... list ) {
// list is an Object [] (array)
for( Object o : list )
System.out.println( o );
Method overloading is the ability to define multiple
methods with the same name in a class.
Overloaded methods to be executed
are selected by the compiler at compiling time.
The Compiler picks the correct method
based on the arguments passed to the method.
class PrintStream {
void print( Object arg ) { ... }
void print( String arg ) { ... }
void print( char [] arg ) { ... }
When you define a method that has exactly the same method
signature as a method in its superclass.
A common programming error in Java is to accidentally
overload a method when trying to override it.
The new annotations syntax in Java 5.0 provides a
way to get the compiler to help with this problem.
class Cat extends Mammal { @Override void sleep( ) { ... } }
Overridden methods, on the other hand, are selected dynamically at runtime.
You can't "override" a static method with an instance method.
(static method in a super-class can be shadowed by another static method in a sub-class)
You can use the final modifier to declare that an instance method can't
be overridden in a subclass.
For a method to qualify as an overridden method in a subclass,
it must have exactly the same number and types of arguments.
As of Java 5.0, when you override a method, you may change the return
type to a subtype of the original method's return type.
class Animal {
Animal create( ) { ... }
class Mammal extends Animal {
Mammal create( ) { ... }
A cast explicitly tells the compiler to change
the apparent type of an object reference.
In Java, casts are checked both at compile
time and at runtime to make sure they are legal.
Attempting to cast an object to an incompatible
type at runtime results in a ClassCastException.
A cast can be used to narrow or downcast the
type of a reference to make it more specific.
Animal creature;
Cat simon; // Cat is sub-class of Animal
// ...
creature = simon; // OK
// simon = creature; // Compile-time error, incompatible type
simon = (Cat)creature; // OK
You can check this with instanceof before you perform the cast:
if ( creature instanceof Cat ) {
Cat cat = (Cat)creature;
cat.meow( );
A constructor is a special method with the same
name as its class and have no return type.
It's called when a new class instance is created.
Gives the class an opportunity to set up the object for initial use.
Can accept arguments and can be overloaded.
They are not inherited like other methods.
class Date {
long time;
Date() {
time = currentTime();
Date(String date) {
time = parseDate(date);
A constructor can refer to another constructor
in the same class using the this() operator.
The special call to this() must appear as the first
statement in our delegating constructor.
class Car {
String model;
int doors;
Car(String model, int doors) {
this.model = model;
this.doors = doors;
// other, complicated setup
Car(String model) {
this(model, 4 /* doors */);
Making this() call to a contructors from other methods is illegal.
A constructor can refer to a superclass constructor
using the super() operator.
The special call to super( ) must appear as the first
statement in our delegating constructor.
class Person {
Person(String name) {
// setup based on name
class Doctor extends Person {
Doctor(String name, String specialty) {
// setup based on specialty
Making super() call to a superclass contructors from other methods is illegal.
You can refer to the members of the same class
using this reference operator.
You can refer to the members of the superclass
for the class using super reference operator.
class Person {
String name
Person(String name) {
this.name = name;
void Initiate () {
class Doctor extends Person {
Doctor(String name, String specialty) {
How constructors are chained together and when instance
variable initialization occurs can be devided in the
following alternative cases:
If the first statement of a constructor is an ordinary
statement i.e., not a call to this( ) or super( ).
- Java inserts an implicit call to super( ) to invoke the default constructor of the superclass.
- Java initializes the instance variables of the current class.
Execute the statements of the current constructor.
If the first statement of a constructor is a call
to a superclass constructor via super( ).
- Java invokes the selected superclass constructor.
- Java initializes the instance variables of the current class.
Execute the statements of the current constructor.
If the first statement of a constructor
is a call to an overloaded constructor via this( ).
- Java invokes the selected constructor.
Execute the statements of the current constructor
(the initialization of instance variables has already
occurred in the called constructor).
If the first statement of a constructor is an ordinary
statement i.e., not a call to this( ) or super( ).
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