CPP Polymophism and Multiple Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance is possible in C++
C++ supports the possibility to derive a class from more than one base class.
A class model:
We can say that a PaperBox is made of paper and has a form of a Cuboid.
To specify this in a C++ file:
class PaperBox : public Cuboid, public Paper
Polymorphism can be used with Multiple Inheritance in the same manner as
for a single Inheritance.
(You should study the Constructors and Destructors calling sequence
in example below as well).
Multiple Inheritance example:
#include <iostream> #include <string> enum Quality { BAD, GOOD, EXCELLENT}; class Paper { public: Paper(Quality quality) { this->quality=quality; std::cout << "Paper constructor... \n"; } virtual ~Paper() { std::cout << "Paper destructor... \n"; } virtual void showInfo() { std::cout << "a "; std::cout << getQuality() ; std::cout << " paper Quality\n ";} void setQuality(Quality quality ) { this->quality=quality; } private: Quality quality; std::string getQuality() { switch (quality) { case BAD : return "Bad"; case GOOD : return "Good"; case EXCELLENT : return "Excellent"; default: return "Unknown"; } } }; class Cuboid { public: Cuboid(int width, int height, int length ) { std::cout << "Cuboid constructor... \n"; this->width=width; this->height=height; this->length=length; } virtual ~Cuboid() { std::cout << "Cuboid destructor... \n"; } virtual void showInfo() { std::cout << "the volume is "; std::cout << getVolume() << "\n"; } void setLength(int length) { this->length=length; } int getVolume() const { return length*width*length; } private: int width; int height; int length; }; // PaperBox has Cuboid class and Paper class as Base classes; class PaperBox : public Cuboid, public Paper { public: PaperBox(int width, int height, int length ): Cuboid( width, height,length),Paper(BAD) { std::cout << "PaperBox constructor... \n"; } ~PaperBox() { std::cout << "PaperBox destructor... \n"; } void showInfo() { std::cout << "I am a PaperBox and "; Cuboid::showInfo(); std::cout << "with "; Paper::showInfo(); } }; int main() { Paper * box1= new PaperBox(4,5,6); std::cout << "\n" ; box1->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; box1->setQuality(EXCELLENT); // down cast to set length of the box; PaperBox * box1Casted = dynamic_cast<PaperBox*>(box1); box1Casted->setLength(7); box1Casted->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; delete box1; std::cout << "\n" ; Cuboid * box2= new PaperBox(2,3,4); std::cout << "\n" ; box2->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; box2->setLength(8); // down cast to set quality of the box; PaperBox * box2Casted = dynamic_cast<PaperBox*>(box2); box2Casted->setQuality(GOOD); box2Casted->showInfo(); std::cout << "\n" ; delete box2; std::cout << "\n" ; return 0; }
When we run this application, the result will be:Cuboid constructor... Paper constructor... PaperBox constructor... I am a PaperBox and the volume is 144 with a Bad paper Quality I am a PaperBox and the volume is 196 with a Excellent paper Quality PaperBox destructor... Paper destructor... Cuboid destructor... Cuboid constructor... Paper constructor... PaperBox constructor... I am a PaperBox and the volume is 32 with a Bad paper Quality I am a PaperBox and the volume is 128 with a Good paper Quality PaperBox destructor... Paper destructor... Cuboid destructor...
You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).
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