CPP Overloading operators

What is Operator Overloading?

  • C++ enables you to add operators to your own classes, which could be:
    *    /    +    -    %    ^    &    |    ~    !    ,    =    <    >
    <=   >=   ++   ––   <<   >>   ==   !=   &&   ||   *=   /=   %=   ^=
    &=   |=   +=   -=   <<=  >>=  ->   ->*  []   ()   new  delete 
  • You are free to code whatever you want when you implements the operator to your class as long as you return the correct type in reasonable way.
  • You use the statement operator when you want to implement a overloaded operator for your class: Here is declaration for some of the operator you can use to implement in you class:
    Operator Declaration Description
    const YourClass & operator ++ (); The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class.
    const YourClass operator ++ (int); The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The int argument is to flag to the compiler that this is a postfix version.
    const YourClass & operator -- (); The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class.
    const YourClass operator -- (int); The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The int argument is to flag to the compiler that this is a postfix version.
    + const YourClass operator + (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object, which is the second operand in a + operation.
    - const YourClass operator - (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object, which is the second operand in a - operation.
    * const YourClass operator * (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object, which is the second operand in a * operation.
    / const YourClass operator / (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a object of your class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object, which is the second operand in a / operation.
    = const YourClass & operator = (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object, which is the from object in a = operation.
    += const YourClass & operator += (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object on the right side in a += operation.
    -= const YourClass & operator -= (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object on the right side in a -= operation..
    *= const YourClass & operator *= (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object on the right side in a *= operation.
    /= const YourClass & operator /= (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a reference to you class so that it can be assigned to another object of your class. The argument is a reference to the object on the right side in a /= operation.
    > bool operator > (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a > operation.
    >= bool operator >= (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a >= operation.
    < bool operator < (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a < operation.
    <= bool operator <= (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a <= operation.
    == bool operator == (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a == operation.
    != bool operator != (const YourClass & ) The return value should be a bool type. The argument is a reference to the object, which is compared with in a != operation.
    (to change)
    ArrayObject & operator [] (unsigned short offset) The argument is the array index to use. You must return a reference of the object representing the item in an array at index posistion.
    (to copy)
    const ArrayObject & operator [] (unsigned short offset) const The argument is the array index to use. You must return a copy object of the object representing the item in an array at index posistion.

What is Conversion Operator Overloading?

  • If you want to convert a object to a different object type rather than the object of your class, C++ provides the conversion operator.
  • Conversion operators do not specify a return value, even though they do return a converted value. As for operator overloading you use the operator keyword :
    operator typeOfObjectToReturn()
    Where typeOfObjectToReturn could be a primitive type or a class you have declared. Look for an implementation in the following example.
    Example using operator overloading and Conversion operators:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    static double PI=3.14;
    class Circle {
      double radius;
    public :
      Circle (double radius) { this->radius=radius;}
      double getArea() const {return radius*radius*PI; }
      double getRadius() const {return radius; }
      void setRadius(double radius)  { this->radius=radius; }
    class Point {
      double top;
      double left;
    public :
      Point():top(0),left(0) {}
      void setPoint (double left, double top) {
      double getTop() const {return top; }
      double getLeft() const {return left; }
    class Rectangle {
      double width;
      double height;
      Point * points;
      void setPoints() {
        if (points!=0) delete [] points;
        points= new Point[4];
    public :
      Rectangle():width(3),height(10), points(0) {setPoints();}
      Rectangle (double width,double height): points(0) {
      Rectangle(const Rectangle & rect): points(0) {
      ~Rectangle() {if (points!=0) delete [] points;}
      double getArea() const {return width*height; }
      double getWidth() const {return width; }
      void setWidth(double width)  { this->width=width; setPoints(); }
      double getHeight() const {return height; }
      void setHeight(double height)  { this->height=height; setPoints(); }
      // Implement prefix ++ operator 
      const Rectangle & operator ++ () {
        return *this;
      // Implement postfix ++ operator 
      const Rectangle operator ++ (int) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        return temp;
      // Implement prefix -- operator 
      const Rectangle & operator -- () {
        return *this;
      // Implement postfix -- operator 
      const Rectangle  operator -- (int) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        return temp;
      // Implement + operator 
      const Rectangle  operator + (const Rectangle & op2) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        if (temp.getWidth() > op2.getWidth()) {
        } else {
        return temp;
      // Implement - operator 
      const Rectangle  operator - (const Rectangle & op2) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        if (temp.getWidth() > op2.getWidth()) {
          temp.setWidth(temp.getWidth()- op2.getArea()/temp.getHeight());
          if (temp.getWidth()<0) temp.setWidth(0);
        } else {
          temp.setHeight(temp.getHeight()- op2.getArea()/temp.getWidth());
          if (temp.getHeight()<0) temp.setHeight(0);
        return temp;
      // Implement * operator 
      const Rectangle  operator * (const Rectangle & op2) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        return temp;
      // Implement / operator 
      const Rectangle  operator / (const Rectangle & op2) {
        Rectangle temp(*this);
        return temp;
      // Implement = operator 
      const Rectangle & operator = (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return *this;
      // Implement += operator 
      const Rectangle & operator += (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return *this;
      // Implement -= operator 
      const Rectangle & operator -= (const Rectangle & op2) {
        width -= op2.getWidth();
        if (width<0) width=0;
        height -= op2.getHeight();
        if (height<0) height=0;
        return *this;
      // Implement *= operator 
      const Rectangle & operator *= (const Rectangle & op2) {
        *this=*this * op2;
        return *this;
      // Implement /= operator 
      const Rectangle & operator /= (const Rectangle & op2) {
        *this=*this / op2;
        return *this;
      // Implement > operator 
      bool  operator > (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return getArea() > op2.getArea();
      // Implement >= operator 
      bool  operator >= (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return getArea() >= op2.getArea();
      // Implement < operator 
      bool  operator < (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return getArea() < op2.getArea();
      // Implement <= operator 
      bool  operator <= (const Rectangle & op2) {
        return getArea() <= op2.getArea();
      // Implement [] operator as reference
      Point & operator [](unsigned short offset)  {
        if (offset>=4)  {
          return points[3];
        }else {
          return points[offset];
      // Implement [] operator as copy 
      const Point operator [](unsigned short offset) const  {
        if (offset>=4)  {
          return points[3];
        }else {
          return points[offset];
      // Conversion Operators for a Circle object
      operator Circle() {
        return Circle(sqrt(getArea()/PI));
    int main(){
      Rectangle  Rect1(5,4);
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing prefix ++ operator
      cout << "Testing prefix ++ operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect2=++Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing postfix ++ operator
      cout << "Testing postfix ++ operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect3=Rect1++ ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect3 width: " << Rect3.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect3.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing prefix -- operator
      cout << "Testing prefix -- operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect4=--Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect4 width: " << Rect4.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect4.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing postfix -- operator
      cout << "Testing postfix -- operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect5=Rect1-- ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect5 width: " << Rect5.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect5.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing +  operator
      cout << "Testing + operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect6=Rect1 + Rect2;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing  -  operator
      cout << "Testing + operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect7=Rect1 - Rect2;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect7 width: " << Rect7.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect7.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing *  operator
      cout << "Testing * operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect8=Rect1 * Rect2;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect8 width: " << Rect8.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect8.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing  /  operator
      cout << "Testing / operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect9=Rect1 / Rect2;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect8 width: " << Rect9.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect9.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing = operator
      cout << "Testing = operator: \n";
      Rect7=Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect7 width: " << Rect7.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect7.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing += operator
      cout << "Testing += operator: \n";
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl;
      Rect6 += Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing -= operator
      cout << "Testing -= operator: \n";
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl;
      Rect6 -= Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing *= operator
      cout << "Testing *= operator: \n";
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl;
      Rect6 *= Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing /= operator
      cout << "Testing /= operator: \n";
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl;
      Rect6 /= Rect1 ;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect6 width: " << Rect6.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect6.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing > operator
      cout << "Testing > operator: \n";
      if (Rect2>Rect1)   cout << "Rect2 > Rect1 \n";
      else cout << "Rect2 <= Rect1 \n";
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing < operator
      cout << "Testing < operator: \n";
      if (Rect2<Rect1)   cout << "Rect2 < Rect1 \n";
      else cout << "Rect2 >= Rect1 \n";
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "Rect2 width: " << Rect2.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect2.getHeight() << endl << endl;
      // Testing [] operator
      cout << "Testing [] operator: \n";
      Rectangle Rect10(60,90);
      cout << "Rect10 upper left  point: " << Rect10[0].getLeft()
        << "," << Rect10[0].getTop() << endl;
      cout << "Rect10 upper right point: " << Rect10[1].getLeft()
        << "," << Rect10[1].getTop() << endl;
      cout << "Rect10 lower left  point: " << Rect10[2].getLeft()
        << "," << Rect10[2].getTop() << endl;
      cout << "Rect10 lower right point: " << Rect10[3].getLeft()
        << "," << Rect10[3].getTop() << endl << endl;
      cout << "Changed Rect10 lower right point: " << Rect10[3].getLeft()
        << "," << Rect10[3].getTop() << endl << endl;
      // Testing Conversion Operators for Rectangle to Circle
      cout << "Testing Conversion Operators for Rectangle to Circle: \n";
      Circle circle=Rect1;
      cout << "Rect1 width: " << Rect1.getWidth()
        << " and height: " << Rect1.getHeight() << endl;
      cout << "circle radoius: " << circle.getRadius() << endl << endl;
      return 0;
    When we run this application the result will be:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Testing prefix ++ operator:
    Rect1 width: 6 and height: 5
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing postfix ++ operator:
    Rect1 width: 7 and height: 6
    Rect3 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing prefix -- operator:
    Rect1 width: 6 and height: 5
    Rect4 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing postfix -- operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect5 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing + operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Rect6 width: 12.2 and height: 12.2
    Testing + operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Rect7 width: 5 and height: 5
    Testing * operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Rect8 width: 30 and height: 30
    Testing / operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Rect8 width: 0.833333 and height: 0.833333
    Testing = operator:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect7 width: 5 and height: 4
    Testing += operator:
    Rect6 width: 12.2 and height: 12.2
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect6 width: 17.2 and height: 16.2
    Testing -= operator:
    Rect6 width: 17.2 and height: 16.2
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect6 width: 12.2 and height: 12.2
    Testing *= operator:
    Rect6 width: 12.2 and height: 12.2
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect6 width: 61 and height: 61
    Testing /= operator:
    Rect6 width: 61 and height: 61
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect6 width: 12.2 and height: 12.2
    Testing > operator:
    Rect2 > Rect1
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing < operator:
    Rect2 >= Rect1
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    Rect2 width: 6 and height: 6
    Testing [] operator:
    Rect10 upper left  point: 0,0
    Rect10 upper right point: 60,0
    Rect10 lower left  point: 0,90
    Rect10 lower right point: 60,90
    Changed Rect10 lower right point: 234,456
    Testing Conversion Operators for Rectangle to Circle:
    Rect1 width: 5 and height: 4
    circle radoius: 2.52377

    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).

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