CSS Element selector

How do we specify an element selector?

  • Html element name is perhaps the most common indication selector.
  • As Html elements are based on a tree structure where elements can have sub-elements, etc., we can also specify a child element within another element as a selector. This is called a contextual selector.
    div p {color:red; font-size:12px; line-height:15px;}
    Only p elements inside a DIV element will be affected by this rule.
  • P element need not to be a direct child of the div element, but for instance a child of the blockquote element which is a child of the div element. Example of a contextual selector.
        <style type="text/css">
          p {color:red;}
          div p { font-size:16pt; color:blue;}
          p em {color:green}
          /* the last will write all em elements inside a paragraph to be green*/
        <p>This paragraph is written in a red color</p>
        <p>Using <span>the <em>em element</em>  in the p elements</span> causes the text
          within the em element in this case printed <em>with green color</em> </p>
          Text inside the div tag follow all preset defaults.
          <p>paragraph inside div element is blue and 16 pt.</p>
          <p>Using the <em>em element</em>  in the p elements causes the text
            within the em element in this case printed <em>with green color</em> </p>

  • If you need the p element to be a direct child of the div element change the space notation between div and p to > as div>p

    Example of a contextual selector using direct child notation.
        <style type="text/css">
          p {color:red;}
          div>p { font-size:16pt; color:blue;}
          p>em {color:green}
        <p>This paragraph is written in a red color</p>
        <p>Using <span>the <em>em element</em>  in the p elements</span> causes the text
          within the em element in this case printed <em>with green color</em> </p>
          Text inside the div tag follow all preset defaults.
          <p>paragraph inside div element is blue and 16 pt.</p>
          <p>Using the <em>em element</em>  in the p elements causes the text
            within the em element in this case printed <em>with green color</em> </p>

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