Summery of CSS Selectors
The following table summarizes CSS 2.1 selector syntax:
Pattern | Meaning | Selector type |
X | Matches an element of type X in the web page. | Type selectors |
X Y | Matches any Y element that is a descendant of an X element. | Descendant selectors |
X > Y | Matches any Y element that is a direct child of an element X. | Child selectors |
X.className | Matches any X element with class attribute equal to "className". (In HTML, the same as X[class~="className"].) | Class selectors |
X#myid | Matches any X element with id attribute equal to "myid". | ID selectors |
X:link X:visited |
Matches element X if X is the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (:link) or already visited (:visited). | The link pseudo-classes |
X:active X:hover X:focus |
Matches X during certain user actions as activated element(:active), mouse over element (:hover) and focus on element (:focus). | The dynamic pseudo-classes |
X:first-child | Matches element X when X is the first child of its parent. | The :first-child pseudo-class |
X:lang(c) | Matches element of type X if it is in (human) language c (the document language specifies how language is determined). | The :lang() pseudo-class |
X:first-line | Matches the first line of text in the element X. | The :first-line pseudo-elements |
X:first-letter | Matches the first letter of text in the element X. | The :first-letter pseudo-elements |
X:before X:after |
Insert generated content before and after an X element's content | The :before & :after pseudo-elements |
* | Matches any element in the web page . | Universal selector |
X + Y | Matches any Y element immediately preceded by a sibling element X. | Adjacent selectors |
X[title] | Matches any X element with the "title" attribute set (the value of title can be whatever text). | Attribute selectors |
X[title="warning"] | Matches any X element whose "title" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning". | Attribute selectors |
X[title~="warning"] | Matches any X element whose "title" attribute value is a list of space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "warning". | Attribute selectors |
X[lang|="en"] | Matches any X element whose "lang" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en". | Attribute selectors |
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