CSS Syntax and rule

CSS Syntax and Rules.

The CSS declaration.

  • You specify this as a property followed by a colon, where the property can be for instance a color, a margin-left or a background-color. Then you must specify the value that is related to the property. It all ends with a semicolon.
    property: value;

The CSS Rule.

  • The purpose of a CSS rule is that it can be used several times by your html elements in one or more web pages.
  • A rule has two fundamental parts, the selector and the declaration block. The declaration block is composed of one or more CSS declarations, and each CSS declaration is a pairing of a property and a value.
    selector {property: value; property: value; ..... }
    The selector defines which piece of the HTML document that will be affected of the rule. The following session will explain the details about the selector, properties and values.

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