JSP Introduction.
What is JSP?
- JSP (Java Server Pages) are components in a web, or JEE, application that consist of HTML tags with Java code added to the HTML.
- Java codes that are implemented in HTML documents will be included in what we call JSP elements.
- These JSP elements are specified either in the form of XML tags, or in the form of JSP style notations.
- As components in a JEE application, JSP runs on a server and respond to requests from clients.
- JSP executes inside a JSP container on the Web-server or Application server.
Developing JSP Pages

- The developer creates a JSP source file that contains HTML and embedded Java code.
- The JSP is installed into a server. This can be a full JEE server or a stand-alone JSP server.
- Translation & compilation:
- The JSP container translates the HTML and Java code into a Java code source file.
- This file is then compiled into a Java class that is executed by the server.
- The class file created from the JSP is known as the JSP page implementation class.

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