Java Operator Precedence

Java Operator Precedence.

When two mathematical operators have the same precedence, they are performed in a left-to-right order.
  • Multiplication (*) and division (/) both have equal Operator Precedence but higher than the plus (+) and minus (-).
  • Plus (+) and minus (-) both have equal Operator Precedence.
  • All with the highest Operator Precedence is performed first and then will operators be performed after a left to right order.
Operator precedence example:
x = 5 + 3 + 8 * 9 + 6 * 4;
// is evaluated multiplication first, left to right. Thus,
// 8*9 = 72, and 6*4 = 24. Now the expression is essentially.
// x = 5 + 3 + 72 + 24; and result will be x=104;
To override this you can use parentheses and/or nesting parentheses:
TotalPersonSeconds = ( ( (NumMinutesToThink + NumMinutesToType) * 60) *
(PeopleInTheOffice + PeopleOnVacation) );
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