Java Constructors Initialization.
Java Constructors Initialization
How constructors are chained together and when instance variable initialization occurs can be devided in the following alternative cases:-
If the first statement in a constructor is an ordinary
statement i.e., not a call to this() or super().
- Java inserts an implicit call to super() to invoke the default constructor of the superclass.
- Java initializes the instance variables of the current class.
- Execute the statements of the current constructor.
If the first statement in a constructor is a call
to a superclass constructor via super().
- Java invokes the selected superclass constructor.
- Java initializes the instance variables of the current class.
- Execute the statements of the current constructor.
If the first statement in a constructor
is a call to an overloaded constructor via this().
- Java invokes the selected constructor.
- Execute the statements of the current constructor (the initialization of instance variables has already occurred in the called constructor).
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