Java Interface Statics.

Java Interface static methods and variables

  • A static method is a method that is associated with the interface in which it is defined rather than with any object.
  • Classes can NOT override static methods with their own implementation.
  • An interface can contain constants which will be considered final and static,
  • and which can be referred to directly
  • through the interface name,
  • and also appear in any class that implements the interface.
    Interface static method and variables example:
    interface Scaleable {
      // this will automatically be static final
      public String DECIMALPATTERN="#";
      // this will automaticly considered to be final
      public static enum Type {BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL};
      public void setScale(Type size);
      public String getArea();
      // This is a static method
      public static String getFormatted(double value) {
        DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(DECIMALPATTERN);
        return formatter.format(value);
    class Rectangle implements Scaleable {
      private int width;
      private int height;
      public void setScale(Type size) {
        switch (size) {
          case BIG:    width = 500; height = 500; break;
          case MEDIUM: width = 300; height = 300; break;
          case SMALL:  width = 200; height = 200; break;
      public String getArea() {
        return Scaleable.getFormatted(width * height);
    class Circle implements Scaleable {
      private int radius;
      public void setScale(Type size) {
        switch (size) {
          case BIG:    radius = 500;  break;
          case MEDIUM: radius = 300;  break;
          case SMALL:  radius = 200;  break;
      public String getArea() {
        return Scaleable.getFormatted(radius * radius * Math.PI);
    public class interfaceStaticApp {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
        System.out.println("Rectangle area = " + rect.getArea());
        Circle circle = new Circle();
        System.out.println("Circle area = " + circle.getArea());
    The result of this is:
    Rectangle area = 250000
    Circle area = 125664
    You can download this example here (needed tools can be found in the right menu on this page).
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