Java Method Reference.
Java Method Reference
- A method reference is shorthand to create a lambda expression using an existing method.
- Using method references makes your lambda expressions more readable and concise.
- If a lambda expression contains a body that is an expression using a method call, you can use a method reference in place of that lambda expression.
- For instance you want to print the event object whenever a button is clicked – you could of course with lambda write:
button.setOnAction(event -> System.out.println(event));
- It would be nicer if you could just pass the println method to the setOnAction method:
- The expression System.out::println is a method reference that is equivalent to the lambda expression x -> System.out.println(x).
- The :: operator separates the method name from the name of an object or class.
- Types of Method References:
Syntax Description TypeName::staticMethod A method reference to a static method of a class, an interface, or an enum objectRef::instanceMethod A method reference to an instance method of the specified object ClassName::instanceMethod A method reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of the specified class TypeName.super::instanceMethod A method reference to an instance method of the supertype of a particular object ClassName::new A constructor reference to the constructor of the specified class ArrayTypeName::new An array constructor reference to the constructor of the specified array type
- In this case we need a static method that can be executed through the class name :
public class Calculator { // static method and owned bye the class public static int mul(int a, int b) { return a * b; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Using a lambda expression IntBinaryOperator operator1 = (a, b) -> Calculator.mul(a, b); System.out.println(operator1.applyAsInt(5, 6)); // Using a method reference IntBinaryOperator operator2 = Calculator::mul; System.out.println(operator2.applyAsInt(5, 6)); } }
The result of this is:30 30
objectRef::instanceMethod and ClassName::instanceMethod
- The object reference on which an instance method is invoked is known as the receiver of the method invocation.
- You can specify the receiver of the method invocation: provide it implicitly when the method is invoked.
- Explicitly, which is known as a bound receiver.
- provide it implicitly when the method is invoked, which is known as unbound receiver
Bound receiver
For a bound receiver, use the objectRef::instanceMethod syntax.public class BoundType { // instance method public int cubic(int a) { return a * a * a; } public static void main(String[] args) { BoundType cal = new BoundType(); // Using a lambda expression Function<Integer, Integer> operator3 = (a) -> cal.cubic(a); System.out.println(operator3.apply(6)); // Using a method reference (bound type) Function<Integer, Integer> operator4 = cal::cubic; System.out.println(operator4.apply(6)); } }
The result of this is:216 216
UnBound receiver
For an unbound receiver, use the ClassName::instanceMethod syntax.public class UnBoundType { // instance method public int cubic(int a) { return a * a * a; } public static void main(String[] args) { UnBoundType cal = new UnBoundType(); // Using a lambda expression BiFunction<UnBoundType, Integer, Integer> operator1 = (a, b) -> a.cubic(b); System.out.println(operator1.apply(cal, 6)); // Using a method reference (UnBound type) BiFunction<UnBoundType, Integer, Integer> operator2 = UnBoundType::cubic; System.out.println(operator2.apply(cal, 6)); } }
The result of this is:216 216
- The keyword super is used as a qualifier to invoke the overridden method in a class or an interface.
The keyword is available only in an instance context.
interface Defaults { default int doMath(int a) { return 2 * a; } } public class Calculator implements Defaults { // static method and owned bye the class @Override public int doMath(int a) { return a * a; } public void test(int value) { // Uses Calculator.doMath() method Function<Integer, Integer> operator1 = this::doMath; System.out.println("this::doMath(): " +operator1.apply(value)); // Uses Defaults.doMath() method Function<Integer, Integer> operator2 = Defaults.super::doMath; System.out.println("Defaults::doMath(): " +operator2.apply(value)); } public static void main(String[] args) { Calculator cal = new Calculator(); cal.test(7); } }
The result of this is:this::doMath(): 49 Defaults::doMath(): 14
- Constructor references are just like method references, except that the name of the method is new.
- For example, Button::new is a reference to a Button constructor.
- The context determines which button constructors to be used as there are several such to choose between.
List<String> labels = ...; Stream<Button> stream =; List<Button> buttons = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
- The compiler picks the one with a String parameter because it infers from the context that the constructor is called with a string.
You can form constructor references with array types.
int[] :: new; // the parameter is length of the array. x -> new int[x]; // This is the equivalent lambda expression
Here is two constructor references example:
public class Timer { public void oper(Supplier<GregorianCalendar> supplier) { System.out.println(supplier.get().getTime()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Timer timer = new Timer(); // Referencing the constructor // Using a lambda expression timer.oper(() -> new GregorianCalendar()); // Using a constructor reference timer.oper(GregorianCalendar::new); } }
interface ArrayCreator { int[] MakeArray(int noOfEle); } public class ArrayNew { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayCreator arrayCreator = int[]::new; int[] intArr = arrayCreator.MakeArray(10); for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { intArr[i] = i * i - i / 2; System.out.println("[" + i + "] = " + intArr[i]); } } }
The result of this is:
andWed Apr 27 11:29:09 CEST 2016 Wed Apr 27 11:29:09 CEST 2016
[0] = 0 [1] = 1 [2] = 3 [3] = 8 [4] = 14 [5] = 23 [6] = 33 [7] = 46 [8] = 60 [9] = 77
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