Java Polymorphism.
Java Polymorphism
- Polymorphism is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming language, after data abstraction and inheritance.
- Poly means many, and morph means form: A polymorphic function is many-formed.
Building polymorphism is :
- The capability to bind specific derived class objects to base class reference at runtime.
- Create Overriding methods to change the behavior of objects in the sub-classes (it is called subtype polymorphism).
A polymorphism example:class Vehicle { static int wheels = 4; public String Status() { return "I am a Vehicle with " + wheels + " wheels"; } } class Trailer extends Vehicle { static int wheels = 16; // this hides statics wheels in Vehicle @Override public String Status() { return "I am a Trailer with " + wheels + " wheels"; } } public class PolymorphismDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { Vehicle a = new Vehicle(); // Vehicle reference to an Vehicle object Vehicle b = new Trailer(); // Vehicle reference to a Trailer object System.out.println(a.Status()); // Runs the method in Vehicle class System.out.println(b.Status()); // Runs the method in Trailer class } }
The result of this is:I am a Vehicle with 4 wheels I am a Trailer with 16 wheels
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