The GROUP BY Clause

  • The GROUP BY clause is intimately connected to aggregates.
  • The clause divides a table into a sets of rows, and aggregate functions produce summary values for each set-group.
  • These values are called vector aggregates.
    GROUP BY syntax included in the SELECT statement:
    SELECT  select_list
      FROM table/view_list
      [WHERE search_conditions]
      [GROUP BY group_by_list]
      [ORDER BY order_by_list ]
  • Just as you can sort multiple items, you can form groups within groups.
  • You separate the grouping elements with commas, and go from large groups to progressively smaller ones.
  • GROUP BY parts tables in a set of rows, but not necessarily sort them in an orderly sequence.
    Here is an example of using one item in the GROUP BY clause:
    MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, PostgreSQL:
    select publisher, min(price)  "Low Price",
                      max(price) as "High price",
                      count(*) "Numbers"
      from bookstore
      group by publisher
      order by  publisher, count(*);
    The result should be:
    publisher Low Price High price Numbers
    Addison Wesley 39 39 1
    Apress 1
    OReilly 32 32 1
    Sams Publishing 49 49 1
    Wrox 29 42 5
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