The HAVING Clause
- HAVING specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate and typically used in a GROUP BY clause.
When GROUP BY is not used, HAVING behaves like a WHERE clause.
HAVING syntax included in the SELECT statement:
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_list FROM table/view_list [WHERE search_conditions] [GROUP BY group_by_list] [HAVING having_conditions] [ORDER BY order_by_list ]
Steps when a query includes WHERE, GROUP BY, aggregates, and HAVING.- The WHERE clause acts first to find the rows you want.
- The GROUP BY clause divides these rows into groups.
- After the groups are formed, SQL calculates the aggregate values (SUM, MIN, etc.) for each group.
- HAVING checks the results from the rows produced by the grouping to see which ones qualify for a final view..
- At last the ORDER BY comes in action to sort on any expressions.
In this example HAVING eliminates those sets that include only one book:MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, PostgreSQL:select publisher, min(price) as "Low Price", max(price) as "High price", count(*) "Numbers" from bookstore group by publisher having count(*) > 1 order by publisher, count(*);
The result should be:publisher Low Price High price Numbers Wrox 29 42 5
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