SQL Using Inner JOIN.

  • INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN.
  • JOIN - Return rows when there is at least one match in both of two tables.

    Pictorial representation :

  • A skeleton syntax version of JOIN using the ON keyword is this:
    SELECT select_list
    FROM table_1  [INNER] JOIN table_2
    ON [table_1.]column  join_operator  [table_2.]column
    [WHERE search_conditions ]
    [ORDER BY column1, column2, ... ]
    Example using JOIN between the tables with ON:
    SQL server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL :
    Select First_name "First name",
      Last_name "Last name",
      email, Telephone_type "Phone type",
      Telephone_number as "Phone number"
     from customers c
     INNER JOIN telephones t     /* or: JOIN telephones t*/
     ON c.customer_id=t.customer_id
     where  t.Telephone_type<>'Unknown'
     order by Last_name;
    The result should be:
    First name Last name email Phone type Phone number
    Judith Bowman J.Bowman@imb.com Cell (371) 153-54
    Judith Bowman J.Bowman@imb.com Work (371) 143-54
    Ricard Nixon Ricard.Nixon@hotmail.com Work (978) 667-94
    Ricard Nixon Ricard.Nixon@hotmail.com Home (978) 667-94
    Robert Redford R.Redford@google.com Home (679) 234-94
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