Java Servlet Lifecycle .

What about Servlets and Lifecycle?

  • When a Servlet is deployed to a Web server or Application server and needed for a service, the Servlet-contain in the server will load and instantiate the Servlet.
  • The Servlet-contain will then call the HttpServlet object init() method and stay ready for service of any client request.
  • As soon as a request for the servlet comes the Servlet-container will call the HttpServlet object service() method.
  • Through the HttpServlet object service() the Servlet-Container will call the correct doXXX method depending on the Request type (GET, POST ...).
  • Then the Servlet programmer code will be executed in a new Thread and the Servlet goes back to ready state waiting for a new request.
  • If there is no request to handle and a server-defined timeout is reached the Servlet-container calls the HttpServlet object destroy() method and removes the servlet from the container.

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