Internet Introduction
What is Internet?
Short Internet history.
- The Internet was created by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1960's and was first known as the ARPANet.
- At this stage the Internet's first computers were at academic and government institutions and were mainly used for accessing files and to send email.
- Since 1983 the Internet has accommodated a lot of changes and continues to keep developing.
How does the Internet work?
- The Internet itself does not contain information, but is a network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols.
- Each runs software to provide or "serve" information and/or to access and view information.
- The Internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on another computer.
- It is a slight misstatement to say a "document was found on the Internet".
- It would be more correct to say it was found through or using the Internet.
- The content that was found in (or on) exists in one of the computers linked to the Internet.
What does the internet offer?
- With the Internet, you can access many libraries of any kind.
- You can also get information about upcoming high-tech like launches from NASA.
- You will find news reports from a lot paper and television companies.
- You will find movies, music and how you can make different kinds of things.
- It is also possible to visit a software archive and help yourself to shareware and public domain software.
- You can view company home pages for product information and demonstrations.
- You can buy nearly anything from companies worldwide.
In addition, you can subscribe to newsgroups that discuss science,
law, cultures, and hundreds of other subjects.
Examples of information made available:
- movie reviews
- news services
- chat groups
- mailing lists
- library catalogs
- virtual museums
- interactive games
- imagebases
- free software
- free learning sites (this)
- annotated bibliographies
- educational resources
- weather reports
- radio broadcasts
- and much, much more.
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