Javascript numbers reference.

Javascript build-in Number object reference.

Create numbers:

Prototype Methods:

Syntax: toExponential(fractionDigits)
The method will return the number in an exponential form with a digit before the comma and "fractionDigits" digits after the comma.

The fractional part of the number is rounded upward.

Return value: A string.
fractionDigits: The number of digits (0 - 20) that you want after the decimal point.

If the argument is omitted, then a number of decimal places as necessary will be used.

An example of using the toExponential() :

Prototype Properties:

Syntax: Number.prototype.constructor
This property of the Number.prototype holds the reference back to the Number object.

You can find all the Number constants through this constructor. (Number.prototype.constructor.MAX_VALUE is the same as Number.MAX_VALUE)

Important note: This is the same as the constructor property of an instantiated object

Constructor (Number) Properties:

Syntax: Number.constructor
The constructor property is a reference to the function that will be invoked to create a Number object.

Constructor (Number) Constants:

Number.MAX_VALUE: Largest representable number. (1.7976931348623157e+308)
Number.MIN_VALUE: Smallest (closest to zero) representable number. (5e-324)
Number.NaN: Special Not-a-Number value. (NaN)
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY: Special value to represent infinity. (Infinity)
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY: Special value to represent negative infinity. (-Infinity)

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