Javascript object inheritance.

Creating object Inheritance?

What is Inheritance?

  • When something is said to be a kind of something else, it is implied that it is a specialization of that thing.
  • This kind of relation is normally named as a "is-a" relationships. We can also describe this as an inheritance of properties from one object to another.
    An object model:
  • A rectangle, Square and Circle is a more specialized kind of a Shape.
  • A Cuboid is build upon a Rectangle but something more than a Rectangle.
  • A Cube is build upon a Square but something more than a Square.
  • A Cylinder is build upon a Circle but something more than a Circle.

How to define Inheritance?

  • In other languages ​​such as C++ and Java, we define the inheritance on the classes, which defines the complex types that we are using to create objects.
  • Javascript has no classes, so we must define the inheritance through objects.
  • As we know, an object created by a function object will inherit all the properties found in prototype object, which exists in a function object.
  • The procedure in creating an inheritance from one object to another is then:
    1. Create an object that we want to inherit from.
    2. Set this object to be the prototype object in the function object. When we then create an object, the object will inherit the prototype object.
    3. Before the previous action, the prototype object had a constructor property, which is a referance back to the function object. This constructor property must be added to the prototype object again to maintain consistency.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Shape(pos) {
      if (pos!=undefined) this.pos=pos;
      else pos=[0,0];
    Shape.prototype.getPos= function(){
      return this.pos;
    function Rectangle(pos,len, wid) {
    // Let Rectangle inherit Shape
    Rectangle.prototype=new Shape();
    Rectangle.prototype.getArea= function(){
      return this.len*this.wid;
    function Cuboid(pos,len, wid, hei) {
    // Let Cuboid inherit Rectangle
    Cuboid.prototype=new Rectangle();
    Cuboid.prototype.getVolume= function(){
      return this.getArea()*this.hei;
    var cuboid= new Cuboid([4,3],10,5,7);
    document.write("The cuboid posistion is: "+cuboid.getPos()+"<br>");
    document.write("The cuboid total area is: "+cuboid.getArea()+"<br>");
    document.write("The cuboid volume is: "+cuboid.getVolume()+"<br>");
    var rectangle= new Rectangle([41,23],110,25);
    document.write("The rectangle posistion is: "+rectangle.getPos()+"<br>");
    document.write("The rectangle total area is: "+rectangle.getArea()+"<br>");
  • We can rewrite this to include encapsulation technologies, which means to create private member variables in objects and use the accessors to modify or retrieve them.

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function Shape(pos) {
        this.constructor.prototype.getPos= function(){ return pos; }
        this.constructor.prototype.setPos= function(p){ return pos=p; }
      function Rectangle(pos, len, wid) {
        this.constructor.prototype.getLen= function(){ return len; }
        this.constructor.prototype.getWid= function(){ return wid; }
        this.constructor.prototype.setLen= function(l){ len=l; }
        this.constructor.prototype.setWid= function(w){ wid=w; }
        this.constructor.prototype.getArea=function(){ return wid*len;}
      function Cuboid(pos,len, wid, hei) {
        this.constructor.prototype.getHei= function(){ return hei; }
          return this.getArea()*hei;
      // create Inheritance before creating any object
      Rectangle.prototype= new Shape();
      Cuboid.prototype= new Rectangle();
      var cuboid= new Cuboid([4,3],10,5,7);
      document.write("The cuboid posistion is: "+cuboid.getPos()+"<br>");
      document.write("The cuboid total area is: "+cuboid.getArea()+"<br>");
      document.write("The cuboid volume is: "+cuboid.getVolume()+"<br>");
      var rectangle= new Rectangle([41,23],110,25);
      document.write("The rectangle posistion is: "+rectangle.getPos()+"<br>");
      document.write("The rectangle total area is: "+rectangle.getArea()+"<br>");
  • It is important to create the inheritance before you create the objects as a constructor function uses the prototype object during the initiation of the new object.

    This means that you can not create any inheritance in constuctor function like this:

    this.constructor.prototype=new Shape();
  • In such a chain of inheritance between objects, an object created by a function object is not only an instance of this, but also an instance of the function objects, which was used to create the inherited objects.
  • Javascript has a 'instanceof' operator we can use to test such things. If you insert, the below script, at end of the above script you will see that an instance of a Cupoid is also an instance of a Rectangle and a Shape as well.
      document.write("Is cuboid instanceof Shape - returns: "+
        (cuboid instanceof Shape) +"<br>");
      document.write("Is cuboid instanceof Rectangle - returns: "+
        (cuboid instanceof Rectangle) +"<br>");

Create an inheritance through copying.

  • Another way to create inheritance between objects is to copy the properties from the object you want to inherit from.
  • The properties that are copied will be added to the prototype object to the function object.
  • The advantage here is that you do not need to recreate the constructor property of the prototype objects again, and you can do the copy function inside the constructor function.
  • The disadvantage of this method is that objects are not an instance of the object it inherits.

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function copyProp(toObj, fromObj) {
        for (obj in fromObj) {
      function Shape(pos) {
        this.constructor.prototype.getPos= function(){ return pos; }
        this.constructor.prototype.setPos= function(p){ return pos=p; }
      function Rectangle(pos, len, wid) {
        copyProp(this.constructor.prototype, new Shape(pos));
        this.constructor.prototype.getLen= function(){ return len; }
        this.constructor.prototype.getWid= function(){ return wid; }
        this.constructor.prototype.getArea=function(){ return wid*len;}
      function Cuboid(pos,len, wid, hei) {
        copyProp(this.constructor.prototype, new Rectangle(pos,len, wid));
        this.constructor.prototype.getHei= function(){ return hei; }
          return this.getArea()*hei;
      var cuboid= new Cuboid([4,3],10,5,7);
      document.write("The cuboid posistion is: "+cuboid.getPos()+"<br>");
      document.write("The cuboid total area is: "+cuboid.getArea()+"<br>");
      document.write("The cuboid volume is: "+cuboid.getVolume()+"<br>");
      var rectangle= new Rectangle([41,23],110,25);
      document.write("The rectangle posistion is: "+rectangle.getPos()+"<br>");
      document.write("The rectangle total area is: "+rectangle.getArea()+"<br>");
      document.write("Is cuboid instanceof Shape - returns: "+
        (cuboid instanceof Shape) +"<br>");
      document.write("Is cuboid instanceof Rectangle - returns: "+
        (cuboid instanceof Rectangle) +"<br>");

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