Using Javascript Number objects.

Using the build-in Number object.

  • You can create an object with a member variable that is a primitive datatype number with this Javascript build-in Number object.
  • You use the new keyword to create an object that contains a primitive number.
    var obj_num= new Number(7.345);
  • This Javascript build-in Number object is also a wrapper for all primitive numbers.
  • This means you can use the properties and methods contained in the Number object, not only on all new-created number objects, but also on all primitive number values.
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var prim_num = 237.67599;
       document.write("Used toFixed with 2 decimals: "+prim_num.toFixed(2)+"<br>");
       document.write("Used toFixed with 2 decimals: "+5.4789.toFixed(2)+"<br>");
  • Javascript will automatically use the valueOf() method, which exits in the Number object, when there is a need to convert a Number object value to a primitive value.
    For example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
     // First a primitive number.
     var prim_num1=7.0;
     // Here is the same, using an object.
     var obj_num1= new Number(7.0);
     document.write("Javascript uses the valueOf() method "+
                       " before comparing values<br>");
     if (prim_num1==obj_num1){
       document.write("Values are equal<br>");
  • As you probably already have seen there is no good reason to create number objects.
  • At last; You can use the Number object as a function to create primitive number.
  • Whether you create an object, or use the Number object as a function, you can convert a strings with a number to a number object or a primitive number value.
    For example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
     // Create a primitive number with the Number as function.
      var prim_num1=Number(7.0);
     // Here is the same, using a string to number convertion.
      var prim_num2= Number("7.0");
      if (prim_num1===prim_num2){
        document.write("Value and datatype are equal!<br>");
  • I example above we converts a string number to a number, but the following methods are may be more preferable:
    var num2=parseFloat("789.45"); // parse to a float number
    var num3=parseInt("789",10); // parse to an integer using base 10 (desimal) 
    var num1=+"890.5";  // you only puts a + of - sign before the string
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