Javascript object related operators.
Short about operators with objects in Javascript.
Using the "new" operator
- To create new objects in Javascript, we use the "new" operator, which you probably have seen already.
New objects can be created either on the basis of one of the built-in
objects such as Number, String, Object, Function, etc.,
or based on a function, which is also an object.
Examples:<script type="text/javascript"> // create number object var num = new Number(45); document.write("Number: "+num+"<br>"); // create string object var str = new String("This is a string"); document.write("String: "+str+"<br>"); // create function object var mult = new Function("op1","op2"," return op1*op2;"); // A more common way to create function objects: var multiply = function(op1,op2) {return op1*op2;}; document.write("multiply(2,3): "+multiply(2,3)+"<br>"); // create an object using a function object var multiply = function(op1,op2) { this.toString=function(){ return op1*op2;}; }; var obj=new multiply(2,4); document.write("As object: "+obj+"<br>"); </script>
Using the "delete" operator
- With the "delete" operator, you can delete the object properties, array element, or variable specified as its operand.
- Variable defined in a function object with the 'var' keyword can not be removed.
- Some properties, found in the embedded objects are immune and can not be removed.
- "delete" operator returns true if it succeeds in deleting, otherwise the return value is false.
"delete" operator also returns true if the operand does not
exist or operand is not a property, array element, or variable.
Examples:<script type="text/javascript"> // create an object var obj={height : 10, width : 20, area : function(){return this.height *this.width;} }; document.write("area : "+obj.area()+"<br>"); // delete a property in the object var status=delete(obj.width); document.write("delete return : "+status+"<br>"); document.write("area : "+obj.area()+"<br>"); // create an array var arr=[1,,1,121,17,118,19]; document.write("arr[0] arr[3] arr[5] : "+arr[0]+" "+arr[3]+" "+arr[5]+"<br>"); // delete the arr[3] status=delete(arr[3]); document.write("delete return : "+status+"<br>"); document.write("arr[0] arr[3] arr[5] : "+arr[0]+" "+arr[3]+" "+arr[5]+"<br>"); // delete a global variable test=10; document.write("test: "+test+"<br>"); status=delete(test); document.write("delete return : "+status+"<br>"); try { document.write("test: "+test+"<br>"); }catch(e){ document.write("ERROR: "+e+"<br>"); } </script>
Using the "in" operator
- The "in" operator can be used to test for the existence of a property in an object.
The name of the property is set as a string in front of the operator,
which is followed by the object to be tested.
Examples:<script type="text/javascript"> var person={name : 10, age : undefined }; document.write("'name' in 'person' returns : "+ ("name" in person) +"<br>"); // age is undefined, but exists document.write("'age' in 'person' returns : "+ ("age" in person) +"<br>"); </script>
Using the "instanceof" operator
- The "instanceof" operator expects a left-side operand that is an object and a right-side operand that is the name of an object with a constructor function.
- Object with a constructor function may be a function object or built-in Javascript type, such as date, Number, String, Object, etc.
- Since objects can inherit from other objects, an object will be an instance of all the objects in the inheritance chain. This means also that all objects is an instance of the Object object.
The operator evaluates to true if the left-side object is an instance
of the right-side object (with a constructor function) and evaluates to false otherwise.
Examples:<script type="text/javascript"> var mon = ["January","June","May"]; // Create an array document.write("mon instanceof Array evaluates to: " + (mon instanceof Array) +"<br>"); document.write("mon instanceof Object evaluates to: " + (mon instanceof Object) +"<br>"); var Shape= function(point) { // create a function this.point=point; } var sha= new Shape([34,45]); document.write("sha instanceof Shape evaluates to: " + (sha instanceof Shape) +"<br>"); document.write("sha instanceof Function evaluates to: " + (sha instanceof Function) +"<br>"); // false document.write("sha instanceof Object evaluates to: " + (sha instanceof Object) +"<br>"); document.write("Shape instanceof Function evaluates to: " + (Shape instanceof Function) +"<br>"); // false </script>
Using the "typeof" operator
- If you want to know the data type of a variable or a value, you can use the special typeof operator.
- This operator returns a string that represents the data type. The return values of using typeof can be one of the following—"number", "string", "boolean", "undefined", "object", or "function".
- Remember that typeof "null is "object", while typeof "undefined is "undefined".
- The type of any array is "object" because all arrays are objects, but type of any function is "function", even though functions are objects, too
The typeof operator is placed in front of its single operand, which can be of any type.
Examples:<script type="text/javascript"> var mon = ["January","June","May"]; // Create an array document.write("type of array: " + (typeof mon) +"<br>"); var date = new Date() // Create a date document.write("type of date: " + (typeof date) +"<br>"); var num = 324; // Create an array document.write("type of number: " + (typeof num) +"<br>"); var str = "324"; // Create an array document.write("type of string: " + (typeof str) +"<br>"); var func = function() {}; document.write("type of function: " + (typeof func) +"<br>"); var myRef = null; document.write("type of null: " + (typeof myRef) +"<br>"); var myund = undefined; document.write("type of undefined: " + (typeof myund) +"<br>"); var x; document.write("type of x: " + (typeof x) +"<br>"); </script>
Special use of the "||" operator
- Although the || operator is usually used only as a boolean OR operator between two boolean values (an operand on its left side and an operand on its right side), it can also be used for other value types that basically is not boolean.
- Any expression or operand that evaluates to null, NaN, 0, "" or undefined are considered to be a false boolean value. All other results of such evaluation is considered to be a true boolean value
The actual behavior of this operator is that it starts by evaluating its first operand, the expression on the
left side. If the value of this expression evaluates to true, the
operator returns the value of the left-side expression. Otherwise, it
evaluates its second operand, the expression on the right, and
returns the value of that expression.
Example:<script type="text/javascript"> var eval = function(obj) { var ret=obj || [3,4,5]; return ret; } var mon = ["January","June","May"]; // Create an array document.write("function return with an argument : " + eval(mon) +"<br>"); document.write("function return with NO argument : " + eval() +"<br>"); </script>
Special use of the "&&" operator
- Although the && operator is usually used only as a boolean AND operator between two boolean values (an operand on its left side and an operand on its right side), it can also be used for other value types that basically is not boolean.
- Any expression or operand that evaluates to null, NaN, 0, "" or undefined are considered to be a false boolean value. All other results of such evaluation is considered to be a true boolean value
The actual behavior of this operator is that it starts by evaluating its first operand, the expression on the
left side. If the value of this expression evaluates to false, the
operator returns the value of the left-side expression. Otherwise, it
evaluates its second operand, the expression on the right, and
returns the value of that expression.
Example:<script type="text/javascript"> var eval = function(obj) { var ret=obj && [3,4,5] ; return ret; } var mon = ["January","June","May"]; // Create an array document.write("function return with an argument : " + eval(mon) +"<br>"); document.write("function return with NO argument : " + eval() +"<br>"); </script>
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