The HTML Attribute reference.

"rows" - html Attribute

  • Specifies rows for a frameset element or a textarea element.

Value(s): look at details for each element.
Used in the element(s):
Elements Description
frameset The element is a frame container for dividing a window into rectangular subspaces called frames.Attribute, rows, usage:
  • Specifies the layout of horizontal frames. It is a comma-separated list of pixels, percentages, and relative lengths.
  • The default value is 100%, meaning one row.
textarea This element is used in forms to get multiple lines of text from the user.Attribute, rows, usage:
  • Specifies the number of visible text lines. Users should be able to enter more lines than this, so user agents should provide some means to scroll through the contents of the control when the contents extend beyond the visible area.

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